Connectors Flashcards
Perhaps, maybe
As, since
All the same, anyway.
Quand Même
Je ne veux pas y aller mais je vais y aller quand même – I don’t want to go but I will go all the same (the meaning is close to “anyway” – I will go even though I don’t want to)
Il est quand même un bon jouer – He’s a good player all the same (perhaps some doubt has been expressed about the player’s abilities and the speaker accepts the point but wants to stress that he’s still a good player – ‘yes, sometimes he’s lazy, but he’s a good player all the same’)
C’est cher mais c’est bon quand même ! – It’s expensive, but it’s good though! (here, the idea being expressed is that although the food is expensive, it’s very good so it’s worth the money
Yet, still
Similar to “yet” or “still” in English.
Example: Il est pourtant venu – Yet he came/he still came/yet he still came
Example: Et pourtant, il est quand même venu – And yet he still came
Around, toward
Je dîne vers 1 heure. (I have lunch around 1).
Il vient vers moi. (he is coming toward me
Since, for
Nous parlons depuis 10 minutes. (we’ve been talking for 10 minutes).
J’habite à Paris depuis juillet. (I’ve been living in Paris since July
Depuis is ONGOING – the action started in the past and is still going on now. You cannot translate from English, you need to understand the French logic