connections of the skull Flashcards
cribriform plate
anterior cranial fossa –> common nasal meatus
piriform aperture
face –> common nasal meatus
incisive canal
oral cavity –> common nasal meatus
sphenopalatine foramen
pterygopalatine fossa –> common nasal meatus
nasopharynx –> common nasal meatus
aperture of sphenoid sinus
sphenoid sinus - common nasal meatus
what opens in the superior nasal meatus ?
posterior ethmoidal air cells
what opens in the middle nasal meatus?
anterior + middle ethmoidal air cells
where is the semilunar hiatus?
between ethmoid bulla –> uncinate process
what is connected by the ethmoidal infundibulum?
frontal sinus –> middle nasal meatus
aperture of maxillary sinus
maxillary sinus –> middle nasal meatus
nasolacrimal canal
orbit –> inferior nasal meatus
greater palatine canal
pterygopalatine fossa–>oral cavity
lesser palatine canal
pterygopalatine fossa–> oral cavity
mandibular canal (from mandibular foramen)
mental foramen –> oral cavity
musculotubarian canal
external base of skull –> tympanic cavity
**(semicanal for tensor tympani muscle + semicanal for auditory tube)
caroticotympani canaliculi
carotid canal –> tympanic cavity
canaliculus of chorda tympani
facial canal ( descending part ) –> tympanic cavity
stapedius canaliculi
facial canal ( descending part ) –> tympanic cavity
tympanic canaliculus
fossula petrosa –> tympanic cavity
cannal of lesser petrosal nerve
middle cranial fossa –> tympanic cavity
mastoid antrum
mastoid air cells –> tympanic cavity
fenestra vestibuli
inner ear –> tympanic cavity
fenestra cochleae
cochlea (inner ear) –> tympanic cavity