Connect your services together | Choose a messaging model in Azure to loosely connect your services Flashcards
Can a message consist of just a reference to the data?
No, a message contains the data itself.
How do you call a sender of an event?
How do you call a receiver of an event?
Do you choose Event or Message when the distributed application requires a guarantee that the communication will be processed
Message. Events are often ephemeral, meaning a communication might not be handled by any receiver if none is currently subscribing.
What is the key question when deciding between a message or event?
Does the sending component expect the communication to be processed in a particular way by the destination component? If the answer is yes, choose to use a message. If the answer is no, you may be able to use events.
What happens when a message is send to a Service Bus Topic instead of a service bus queue?
When a message is sent to a topic instead of a queue, multiple components can be triggered to do their work. Each of these components will usually have their own queue again.
What are three queueing approaches?
- At-least-Once Delivery: Is possible that message gets delivered mulitple times
- At-Most-Once Delivery: Is possible that message doesnt get delivered.
Which two azure resources can be used to store and deliver messages between your components?
Azure Storage queues or Azure Service Bus
Use Service Bus queues if you:
- Need an At-Most-Once delivery guarantee.
- Need a FIFO guarantee.
- Need to group messages into transactions.
- Want to receive messages without polling the queue.
- Need to provide a role-based access model to the queues.
- Need to handle messages larger than 64 KB but less than 256 KB.
- Queue size will not grow larger than 80 GB.
- Want to publish and consume batches of messages.
Use Queue storage if you:
Queue storage isn’t quite as feature rich, but if you don’t need any of those features, it can be a simpler choice. In addition, it’s the best solution if your app has any of the following requirements.
- Need an audit trail of all messages that pass through the queue.
- Expect the queue to exceed 80 GB in size.
- Want to track progress for processing a message inside of the queue.
What is Azure Event Grid?
Event distributing service running on top of Azure Service Fabric.
Azure Event Grid is a fully-managed event routing service running on top of Azure Service Fabric. Event Grid distributes events from different sources, such as Azure Blob storage accounts or Azure Media Services, to different handlers, such as Azure Functions or Webhooks.
What are event handlers?
The app or service reacting to the event.
What are system topics in azure event grid?
Een groepering van binnenkomende events in eventgrid. Een event handler kan subscriben op een system topic.
What are four event handlers?
Azure Functions, Webhooks, Logic apps, Power automate
Is Event grid a good solution for delivering a large stream of events?
In this scenario, Event Grid isn’t a great solution because it’s designed for one-event-at-a-time delivery. Instead, we need to turn to another Azure service: Event Hubs.
What are partitions in event hubs?
As Event Hubs receives communications, it divides them into partitions. Partitions are buffers into which the communications are saved.
For how long can data stay in partition?
24 hours
How many partitions does a event hub at least have/