ConLaw - Individual Rights Flashcards
How many Q’s come from Indiv rights section of Conlaw?
In order for there to be a federal constitutional violation, what is required?
State Action
EP and DP questions require “state action”
Once it says private actor, hypo has to go way out of its way to show that state adopted the action
What is the 13th amendment?
bans slavery and all incidents of slavery
on MBE, questions will involve laws involving racial discrimination and 13th amendment allows you to bring suit against private actor for** RACIAL DISCRIMINATION**
eg of violation of 13th amendment, “Congress enacts a statute punishing each and every conspiracy entered into by and two or more persons for the purposes of denying black persons education or housing, solely because of their race.” this is racial disc by private actor; therefore 13th amendment violation
What are priv’s and immunities?
This is about state A passing state law discriminating against residents of State B based on their status as State B citizenship (inapplicable to corporations and aliens)
Requires state actor
What is 15th amendment?
Requires state actor
Step 1: What is equal protection about?
14th amendment involving certain people being treated differently than everybody else
NOTE: only applies to states and not the federal government
can be creating classes of people
If you see this, you know it’s EP question
can be law students differently than everyone else, men, women, any group
What are 3 levels of the EP scrutiny?
3 levels of scrutiny:
depends on WHO the PEOPLE are, so answer this question first
- Strict scrutiny applies to race, alienage, national origin
government has burden to prove law necessary to achieve compelling interest
- Intermediate scrutiny applies to gender, illegitimate children
substantially related to important governmental interest
- rational basis scrutiny applies to everybody else
P (not govt) has burden to show law NOT RATIONALLY RELATED to any LEGITIMATE INTEREST
Watch out for MBE Q that flips the burden to the gov’t…the party, not the govt has to show rationally related.
How many types of EP questions
IDing that you are doing an EP question (look for group being treated differently than everybody else)
They’ll tell you there’s EP question/violation, and ask you what party has to prove or what level of scrutiny applied (ask, who are the people?)
When there is a state statute an individual is charging, how should on approach?
Look at the words of the statute and ask what the state is doing? who is being discriminated against?
If hypo is about someone being treated differently than everyone else, you know it’s about EP. Don’t get distracted by others.
What is strict scrutiny?
government has burden to prove law is the least restrictive means to achieve compelling interest
Strict scrutiny applies to race, alienage, national origin
Note: alienage is only suspect if the classification is made by state law
Never get DP confused with EP
Never get PROCEDURAL DP confused with SUBSTANTIVE DP
What is procedural Due Process clause?
No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law
Sometimes in A’s you’ll see “property interests” or “property rights” this is a buzzword for PROCEDURAL DP
If gov’t tries to take away property or property rights, you get notice and a **hearing ** (which includes right to apply
eg of property rights: gov’t jobs, licenses, benefits, and public education
No scrutiny. The trick is to know that you have the property right in the first place. If applying for law license, for example, you do not have property rights yet, but if they wanted to take it away after you got licensed, you have property right and have right to notice and hearing.
What is intermediate scrutiny?
**substantially related to important governmental interest
Intermediate scrutiny applies to gender, illegitimate children
What is rational basis scrutiny?
P (not govt) has burden to show law NOT RATIONALLY RELATED to any LEGITIMATE INTEREST
rational basis scrutiny applies to everybody else (race, alienage, national origin = strict; gender, illegitimate children = intermediate)
What is substantive due process?
This has to do with your liberty rights, your freedoms
If govt tries to take away liberty rights from all citizens, or tries to make all citizens do something the same way
has to apply to EVERYBODY
EP=SOME people; DP=ALL people
What rights are covered by substantive DP?
Fundamental rights: right to travel intrastate (note: have right to travel within state, but not a fundamental one); right to vote; right to privacy; right of **free speech **; right of privacy
mneumonic device for privacy rights: CAMPER (contraceptives, abortion, marriage, procreation, education (private), right to raise family how you want
What are the fundamental privacy rights?
CAMPER without the A now…
contraceptives, marriage, procreation, education (private), right to raise family how you want
Also includes right to have non-commercial, consensual sex and right of related persons to live together
What are the levels of scrutiny for substantive DP
If fundamental, you apply strict scrutiny
If non-fundamental, apply rational basis scrutiny
only two levels in substantive DP; no intermediate, either fundamental or it’s not
If federal regulation cited under EP and DP, what amendment may an MBE question refer to and why?
**5th amendment. **
Generally, 90% of time, the state will be the one passing the law.
If state passing law, will be acting under the 14th amendment
If federal Congress is passing the law, and looks like EP or DP issue, always under the 5th amendment, so look for answer talking about 5th amendment
rather than talking about EP, they may say “EP or DP clause of the 5th amendment”
This is because the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment applies to the federal government through theDue Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment.
You may get thrown off because looks like equal protection, but they say DP clause of the 5th amendment, or vise versa, but says EP clause of 5th amendment CHOOSE the one talking about 5TH AM ONE IF FEDERAL
Takings (5th amendment) 4.2%
What is the takings clause aka eminent domain?
Govt can take private property for public use as long as they pay just compensation (usually fair market value)
Public use has expanded to “public purpose” so even if private person owned the thing you’re going to build, as long as it is rationally related to any conceivable public purpose, that is oK under the current reading of the taking clause.
eg, going to build a new condominium…looks private, but govt may say going to generate jobs, boost economy etc and that’s okay
Also look out for something that reduced economic value of your property to nothing or next to nothing (eg, building nuclear reactors across the street), this is in effect a “taking” and they’ll have to pay just compensation.
If goes down ten grand from 300k, that’s not a taking.
What two clauses deal with religion?
Establishment clause and free exercise clause, both contained in the first line of the first amendment.
What is the establishment clause?
Separation of church and state
State cannot pass law to establish or show preference to a religion
Lemon test:
1. statute must have secular purpose;
2. cannot advance or inhibit religion; AND
3. no excessive entanglement (between the state and religion) (this usually has to do with the state not giving too much money to a religion or religious clause)
put another way, the act cannot lead a reasonable observer to conclude that the govt is endorsing a religious observance, not merely celebrating (for example) the secular holiday season
EG, if one religion allowed to do something, need to allow all religions
if giving money to schools, does not auto-violate excessive entanglement
Just bc some religious schools get something, doesn’t auto-violate bc doesn’t necessarily amount to excessive entanglement
Generally a one-time payment doesn’t indicate excessive entanglement unless for explicit religious purpose
eg, Govt can do things like have nativity scene as long as other non-religious symbols nearby or a sign that said “furnished by private parties”
What is the free exercise clause?
Govt cannot comment/take a position/must remain neutral as to your religion.
Individuals just may not break law in the name of religion
cannot kill goats if violates law; cannot take peyote if breaking law
law must be neutral on its face
If okay, “violates free exercise clause” and must meet strict scrutiny (needs to be least restrictdive means to achieve a compelling interest; note: SC has never found an interest so compelling to justify such an action)
If not okay, “applying rational basis test”
What if the effect of a law seems to affect religious rights?
EG, kid wearing yammaka and metal bobby pins, refs stop game and require all of them to take them off based on state rule disallowing any head gear or metal stuff
The law based on player safety and applies to all, so is not a violation of free exercise clause
Always look at the statute and ask what is the stated intent or purpose
If incidental, then no violation of free exercise clause
What are the two basic big issues in freedom of speech?
Can you ban speech? no, bc fundamentla right
Can you regulate speech? Yes, two ways to regulate: content-based reg and content-neutral reg
What is content-based regulation?
What level of scrutiny applied?
content-based regulation = gov’t says NO based on content of regulation; govt refuses to allow march, parade, ad, speaking, etc.
content based=strict scrutiny
What is content-neutral reg?
Govt letting you do what you want to do , just reg time, place, and manner of the speech
Generally OK, but has to serve signfiicant or important governmental interest and leave open alternative means of communication
This is a type of intermediate scrutiny
Put another way, content-based restrictions must:
(1) Advance important interests unrelated to the suppression of speech; AND
(2) NOT burden substantially more speech than necessary (i.e., narrowly tailored) to further those interests.
Look for a regulation on speech that applies to the HOW, WHERE, WHEN and not just an unequivocal NO