Conjunctival variation Flashcards
What type of membrane is the conjunctiva made from?
Thin mucous membrane
What is the corneal epithelium contiguous with?
Conjunctiva epithelium (developed from surface ectoderm)
True or false: If conjunctival infection, cornea is involved
False - cornea may or may not be involved
The accessory lacrimal glands found in the conjunctiva are:
Glands of Krause
Glands of Wolfring
What are the conjunctival blood vessels used for?
Supplying blood + oxygen + nutrients + fight off infections
(these are located superfiscially)
What is the appearance of follicles?
focal hyperplasia (increase in cell number)
lymphocytes accumulating in conjunctival stroma = newly formed lymphoid tissue
greyish/ whiteish/ yellowish in color
elevated, clear to milky centers, base of the follicle has blod vessels (pushes conjunctival blood vessels to the side)
small in size; 0.5mm to 2mm
smooth surface
Where are follicles found?
commonly found on palpebral conunctiva
What are the causes of follicles?
1) Viral conjunctivits
2) Toxins: irritants
Ex: Molluscum contagiosum, chemicals
As a result, it has a localized cell mediated immune response
True or false: folliculosis is a disease
FALSE - it is a condition NOT a disease
What age range is folliculosis most commonly found? Does it stay?
found in children to young adolescents
(disappears with age)
due to a hyperactive lymphatic system
True or false: Papillae are fibrovascular in origin
Where can papillae be located?
Upper and lower palpebral conjunctiva
what is the appearance of papillae?
deep red vascular (with blood vessel at the core of the papilla)
increased blood components -> polymorphonuclear, neutrophils PMNs eosinophils
What are the causes of papillae?
bacterial infection Ex: bacterial conjunctivitis
contact lens wear
What type of conjunctivitis can we see giant papillae?
vernal conjunctivitis
giant papillary conjunctivitis
What is the appearance of retention cyst?
clear like vacuoles; spherical in shape
Where are retention cyst found?
bulbar and palpebral conjunctiva
(typically in interpalpebral zone)
T/F Patients with a retention cyst are sympomatic
FALSE - they are asymptomatic
How do we treat retention cyst?
1) removal by lancing if it is a cosmetic concern
2) lubricate w artifical tear solution 1gtt 3-4x a day for several weeks
What is the main cause of retention cyst?
cellular degeneration of conjunctival tissue
(typically found in patients with dry eyes and is NOT a sign of infection/ inflammation)
Where are pingueculae found?
Found in the interpalpebral zone of the bulbar conjunctiva
What are the causes of pingueculae?
enivronmental, irritation, UV exposure, wind, dust, mechanical ie rubbing of contact lens
fibrovascular degeration
What is the appearance of pingueculae?
yellow-white mass, flat but slightly elevated
How should we manage pingueculae?
Management: patient education & UV protection
What is pingueculitis?
inflammed pinguaecula
How do we treat pinguecula?
1) this is self limiting = resolves on its own in a week
2) artificial tears gtts 4-6x a day for a week
- inform patient to use UV protection, don’t rub your eyes
3) Visine OTC - good to temporarily get rid of redness
—–1-2 drops per day AFTER 3-4 DAYS MUST STOP! - cosmetic reason
4) Lumify - 1-2 drops for a few days also for cosmetic reasons
What type of weather can pterygium be commonlu found in?
warmer climates
closer to the equator = more UV exposure
mountan areas
ski slopes
lakes/ ocean
Where is pterygium located?
interpalpebral zone -> from bulbar cojunctiva to the center of the cornea (can affect visual field)
T/F : Pterygia destroys the Descemet’s membrane replacing it with a fibro-vascular layer
FALSE Pterygia extends to the cornea and destroys the bowman’s membrane replacing it with fibro-vascular layer
How does a pterygium look like?
Fleshy, triangular growth that extends onto the cornea; apex points toward the pupil
What are the symptoms of the pterygium?
blurry vision (decrease in visual acuity)
monocular diplopia
dry eye
foreign body sensation
red eye
True or false: If you see a Stocker’s line for many months, it is a sign the pterygia is stabilizing