Conjugation 4 + irregulars 1-8 Flashcards
Advenio, Advenire, Adveni
To arrive
Aperio, Aperire, Aperui, Apertus
To open, reveal
Audio, Audire, Audivi, Auditus
To hear, listen to
Custudio, Custodire, Custodivi, Custoditus
To Guard
Dormio, Dormire, Dormivi
To Sleep
Impedio, Impedire, Impledivi, Impeditus
To delay, hinder, prevent
Invenio, Invenire, Inveni, Inventus
To find, discover
Munio, Munire, Minivi, Munitus
To fortify, Defend, Guard
Nescio, Nescire, Nescivi
To not know
Pervenio, pervenire, perveni
To reach, arrive
Punio, Punire, Punivi, Punitus
To Punish
Scio, Scire, Scivi, Scitus
To know
Sentio, Sentire, Sensi, Sensus
To feel, notice, hear, judge
Venio, Venire, Veni
To come
Absum, Abesse, Afui
To be Absent
Adsum, Adesse, Adfui
To be Present
Gratias Ago
I thank, I give thanks
Certiorem Facere
To inform
Coepi, Coepisse, Coeptus
I began
Confero, COnferre, Contuli, Conlatus
To collect
Eo, ire, ii, ivi
To Go
Fero, Fere, Tuli, latus
To Carry