Conjugal roles- K Flashcards
Conjugal roles
The separation of roles within the household based on the individual’s gender.
Segregated conjugal roles
Those in which the husband and wife have a clear differentiation of tasks and a considerable number of separate interests and activities
Integrated conjugal roles
Those where the husband and wife carry out many activities together and with a minimum of task differentiation
Symmetrical family
Family where the roles and responsibilities both outside and inside the home are shared equally.
Geographical mobility
The ability of labour to move around an area, region or country in order to work
Commercialisation of household
Means that there are many consumer goods that help to ease the burden of domestic labour
Weaker gender identities
Ones personal sense of of own genders has become less rigid
Domestic labour
Unpaid work done within households, encompassing tasks like housework, childcare, and other forms of care work
Dual Burden
Having to carry out both paid work and unpaid domestic labour
Triple shift
When women take on not only paid and unpaid work, but also the responsibility of the emotional work within families
Allowance system
Where men give their wives an allowance out of which they have to budget to meet the family’s needs, with the man retaining any surplus income for himself
Pooling system
Where both partners have access to income and joint responsibility for expenditure
Domestic violence
A pattern of behaviour in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner.