Conjugacion - Presente Perfecto Flashcards
- Often used for past actions that….
2. Often used with the adverb…
- continue into the present
2. Ya
I have folded/bent
he dobl-ado
You have doubted
has dud-ado
He has explained
El ha aclar-ado
(ar) he-she-it-you formal
We have accompanied
hemos acompañ-ado
They have (been in the habit off)
Ellos han acostumbr-ado
(ar) they m/f- you plural
I have confused, messed up
he confund-ido
You have put / put in
has met-ido
You (formal) have complied - accomplished, fulfilled
Usted ha cumpl-ido
(ir) he-she-it-you formal
We have posesed , held, owned
hemos pose-ido
You (plural) have discoved
Ustedes han discubr-ido
he acuchill-ado
I have knifed, stabbed
has acus-ado
you have accused
ha adelant-ado
el, ella, usted - has advanced
hemos adivin-ado
We have guessed
Han afect-ado
ellos, ellas, ustedes - have affected
he prend-ido
I have switched on, lighted, caught fire
has imprim-ido
You have printed
he promet-ido
el, ella, usted - has promised
hemos instist-ido
We have insisted
han roto-ido (irregular)
ellos, ellas, ustedes - have broken, torn
Irregular forms abrir (to open) cubrir (to cover) decir (to say) escribir (to write) freír (to fry) hacer (to do) morir (to die) poner (to put) resolver (to resolve) romper (to break) ver (to see) volver (to return)
abrir (to open) - abi-erto (open) cubrir (to cover) - cubi-erto (covered) decir (to say) - dicho (said) escribir (to write) - escri-to (written) freír (to fry) - fr-ito (fried) hacer (to do) - h-echo (done) morir (to die) - muerto (dead) poner (to put) - puesto (put) resolver (to resolve) - resuelto (resolved) romper (to break) - roto (broken) ver (to see) - visto (seen) volver (to return) - vuelto (returned)
Most past participles can be used as adjectives with ESTAR La puerta está cerrada. 1. The door is closed. Las puertas están cerradas. 2. The doors are closed. El restaurante está abierto. 3. The restaurant is open. Los restaurantes están abiertos. 4. The restaurants are open.
- The door is closed = La puerta está cerrada.
- The doors are closed = Las puertas están cerradas.
- The restaurant is open = El restaurante está abierto
- The restaurants are open = Los restaurantes están abiertos.
The past participle can be combined with the verb “ser” to express the passive voice. Introduce the doer of the action with the word “por.”
The house was built by the carpenters.
The store is opened every day by the owner.
La casa fue construida por los carpinteros.
The house was built by the carpenters.
La tienda es abierta todos los días por el dueño.
The store is opened every day by the owner.
For -er and -ir verbs, if the stem ends in a vowel, a written accent will be required.
creer - creído
oír - oído