Congestive heart failure Flashcards
What is the definition of Congestive heart failure?
Congestive heart failure ( aka heart failure ) is the hearts inability to pump sufficient blood to supply the bodies needs.
What are things that occur for people with Heart failure compared to normal hearts?
The normal hearts ejects about 2/3’s the heart volume but in the congestive heart failure heart only about 1/4 or 1/5 is ejected.
What can cause Congestive heart failure?
It may be Secondary to heart disease, chronic high blood pressure, valve disease and other conditions that place excessive stress on the heart such as as-well as viral infection and Alcoholism.
Is Congestive heart failure Acute or Chronic?
It can be both.
What are risk factors for Chronic congestive heart failure?
pre-existing heart disease
Exacerbating factors such as physical and emotional stress, Dysrhythmia, fever, infection, anemia, thyroid disorders…
When you have a client with Chronic Heart failure what can occur to the Symptoms?
The client may have several or few of the symptoms.
Over time the conditions may Disappear, reappear or may have more appear.
What are symptoms of Left Ventricular Failure?
Pulmonary Edema, A hacking cough, laboured breathing muscle fatigue due to tissue hypoxia.
What are symptoms of Right Ventricular Failure?
Generalized Edema distal to the heart, weight gain, breathing is less affected than left sided.
Edema is most marked on the lower limbs beginning at the ankles.
liver function may be impaired, Abdominal pain.
What is massage for Congestive heart failure like?
You must obtain permission from the clients Doctor before performing massage.
A good guide for positioning is the Clients Sleeping position.
A relaxation massage is performed and avoiding the Trunk, Short segmental strokes are used.