Congenital Heart Disease Flashcards
Pediatric Functional Murmurs
what are they
characteristics of the sound
Pediatric Functional Murmurs
- innocent, functional and physiologic murmurs which are non-pathological, a result of blood moving through the chambers
- soft, postional-dependent & often occurring in systole
The 7 S’s of innocent murmurs
- sensitive: change with position
- sort in duration
- single (no clicks or gallops)
- small
- soft: low amplutude
- sweet: non harsh
- systolic
a diastolic murmur in children is ALWAYS pathologic
- Stills Murmur
- Venous Hum
- Pulmonary Ejection
Pediatric Murmurs: Still’s Murmur
- what is it
- chacteristics of it
Still’s Murmur: a functional pediatric murmur : most common innocent murmur
- comonly heard @ 2 years old
- systolic murmur, early-mid systole
- musical, vibratory with twanged high-pitch sound
- due to vibration of the leaflets
- will decrease in sound with sitting, standing or valsalva
- increase sound with fever or laying flat supine
Pediatric Murmurs: Venous Hum
- what is it
- chacteristics of it
Venous Hum
- the second most common innocent murmur
- a result of the sound of blood flowing from the
head and neck to the hear tvia the jugualr vein
Can be Graded as I or II
- harsh sound
- systolic murmur: but can be continuous (into diastole = the only one that can and be nonpathologic!!)
- found at the upper right/left sternal boarder; infraclavcular
Increased sound with…
- upright or sitting with head extended
Decreased sound with
- valsalva, gentle pressure on jugular veins, supine position or head turned to contrlateral side
Pediatric Murmurs: Pulmonary Ejection Murmur
- what is it
- chacteristics of it
Pulmonary Ejection Murmurs
- due to blood flow across the pulmonary valve into the pulmonary artery
- common to see in older children and teens
- best heard mid-systole in the second-left ICS or superior aspect of left lower sternal boarder
- harsh quality
Congenital Heart Disease
CHD: a structural cardiac malformation that is present from birth
- the most common malformation of utero & the most common cause of neonatal death
- most babies with CHD will need surgery within the first year of life
- largely unknonw etiology
- chromosomal abnormalities are assocaited: deletions, trisomy, etc.
- maternal disease: DM, rubella
- expsoures: alcohol
- if mom has it: risk of baby having it is increased
- trisomy 13,18 and 21
- 22q.11
- turners
- noonan
- screen for CHD with genetic issues, and screen for gentic issues if CHD found
Defects in Morphology
- cardiac morphlogy: cardiac tube is created by 7 weeks
- defects reflect an error in the morphology of the heart in utero
Fetal Circulation
what are the three critial structures
how does blood flow
Critical Structures
- ductus venosus
- foramen ovale
- ductus arteriosus
- umbilical vein from placenta (mom) carries oxygenated blood to the baby
- umbilical vein connects to the fetal portal system of the liver; direcly connecting the umbilicla vein to the dutus venosus
- from the ductus venousus: travels up the IVC and to the heart
- from the IVC into the RA
- in teh RA: 2/3 of the oxygenated blood is shunted from the right A to the left A via the foramen ovale
- this oxygenated blood is now in the LA and transported out to the body
- the remaining 1/3 of oxygenated blood passes to teh right ventricle & goes to the pulmonary artery
the formane ovale is the key reason that oxygenated blood is able to get to the brain inutero
- the blood which was shunted to the pulmonary artery will not go into the lungs, but will pass through the ductus arteriosus into the aorta
- this connects just pass where teh great vessels off the aortic arch are: thus this blood (1/3) is responsible for supply the rest of the body
the way in which teh ductus arteriosis remains open is by a constant presence of prostoglandins
Role of PVR and the closure of the ductus arteriosus
PVR: pulmonary vascular resistance
- the resistance to blood flow from the pulmonary artery to the left atrium
- the PVR is high in utero : as there is fluid in the lungs = thus blood wont flow here
- when baby is born: fluid gone: PVR DROPS so blood begins to flow here
PVR: is lowest at 4-6 weeks
Closure of the Ductus arteriosis
- blod flow from the pulmonary arteries to the lungs begins and gas exchange occurs
- this results in an increase in blood returning to the left atrium from the pulmonary curcit
- Drop in prostoglains = closure of teh PDA
BLOOD IS LAZY: flows from high to low
Acyanotic Congenital Heart Diseases
left to right shunts
4 different ones
Left to Right Shunts
- take areas of high pressure and flow to areas of low pressure
- because the aorta is high pressure, so if there is a path of least resistance, the flow will probably want to go that way
- Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)
- Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD)
- Atriventricualr Canal (AV Canal)
- Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)
Symptoms of all congenital heart diseases in children
- poor weight gain
- poor feeding, decreased PO intake
- lethargy
- diphoresis with feeds
Explain the physiology behind Left to Right Shunts
Left to Right
- the blood will flow from high to low pressure
- the left heart is high pressure: thus if there is way to flow to low, the blood will go
- PVR is less than SVR : thus, when it can, itll go into the pulmonary circuit again and again
- this increased the flow to the lungs, (Qp) relative to the systemic flow (Qs) thuse Qp > Qs (so the ratio is >1)
with increased flow to the pulmonary circuit, consisntely recyling back to the pulmonary arteries and to the lungs, there is overload of the cardiac chambers as the blood just keeps coming back and through
tacypena, pulmonary edema and failure to thirve
Atrial Septal Defects
Ostium locations
Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)
second most common defect
- a hole in the atrial septum walls: open flow from left to right (high –> low) (can be multiple locations of the hole)
- thus, blood will enter the left atrium from the pulmonary veins, oxygenated, and then flow directly into the right atrium and recylce back to the lungs again
Result: volume overload delivered to the RA from the LA, leading to pulmonary overcirualtion = congestive heart failure
Where is the Ostium
- ostium secundum = MC
- Ostium Primum = (right with the VS and AS come together) associated with trisomy 21
- sinus venous = at level of coranary sinuse
Atrial Septal Defects
- most pt. are asymptomatic or minimal symptoms under over the age of 30
- recurrent respiratory infections
- failure to thrive
- exertional dyspnea
Adolecnts and Adults
- easy fatigue
- dyspnea
- atrial arrythmias
- syncope
these pt. are at an increased risk for stroke since there is increase blood flowing through the atrium, increased risk of thrombus formation and it can easily pass from venous, to left herat and to brain
Atrial Septal Defects
PE finiding
Imaging & Diagnositcs
PE Findings
- FIXED, WIDELY SPLIT second heart sound (S2) : not changing with respiration, heard due to the difference between atria in pressure
- systolic ejection cresendo-decresendo murmur in pulmonic area
- diastlic rumble in tricuspid area
Imaging & Diagnostics
CXR: cardiomegaly
EKG: incompltete RBB, Right heart increased size Crochetage sign: nothcing in the R wave on inferior leads
Echo: gold standard dx.
Atrial Septal Defects
small defects: less than 6 mm = may close spontaneously in first year of life
decongestive thearpy: rarely needed because they are asymptomatic in early life
Surgical: patch or suture ASD if symptomatic at 2-4 years
Devices: mesh can be delivered transcath.
Ventricular Septal Defect
Ventricular Septal Defects (VSD)
Locations of Pathology: Left to Right shunt & mutiple locatios on the septum
- MC = perimembranous: conoventricular near tricuspid valve
- Muscular: usually see multiple “swiss cheese” holes
- inlet & subpulmonic possible too
Pathology of VSD
- blood flows from the LV to the RV, thus immediately going back into the pulmonary arteries to the lungs
- volume overload in the pulmonary artery
- defect sizee and PVR play a role in how much is shunted
- as the pulmonic vascualr resistance falls, increased flow to it
Clinical Findings
Clinical Findings
- small shunts: can have asymptomatic murmurs : restrictive (small hole) will have normal pressure between the two ventricles
- larger shunts: will affect CO and oxygen delivery: non-restrictive: no pressure difference btween left and right will impact the delivery of oxygen to thebody
Compensatory Mechanisms will start: since there is decrease perfusion via decreased CO and O2 delivery
- RAAS system activaation & Catechoamines to increase CO
Tachcardic (trying to compensate)
diphoresis: extreme with feeding (due to increase SNS because of decreased CO)
fatigue with feeding: failure to thirve
- loud high pitched, HARSH HOLOSYSTOLIC murmur at LLsternal boarder
How is congestive heart failure difference that heart failure noramlly
Congestive heart failure: is not a pump problem; is the inability to compensate problem
this is thought of as “high output heart failure”
thus no periphearl edema as a result since its not a backup issue, its an overworking issues and failure to compensate
Diagnosis and Imaging
Diagnosis and Imaging
CXR: cardiomegaly, right ventricualr hypertrophy
echo: the perferred method of imaging
- combined RVH/LVH (large, equiphasic waves in >50% of precordial leads)
MRI: only if echo is not diagnostic
Cardiac Cath: only if other modes arent diagnostic or you’re concerned for pulmonary HTN
Surgical Indications
Surgical Indications
- heart failure
- anatopic complications (aortic valve prolaspe)
- endocarditis risk
need to prevent eisenmenger physiology
Eisenmenger Physiology
what is it and what happens
a complication of VSD if unoperated on
What is it
- a medial hypertrophy of the pulmonar artery and its branches
- this results in pulmonary hypertension and eventually RV hypertension
overtime: this can become a RIGHT TO LEFT SHUNT since there is NOW so much pressure in teh right side of the heart: it flows the opposite way