Congenital Heart Disease Flashcards
What can happen when there’s chronically increased pulmonary flow?
Eisenmenger reaction -> scarring, fibrosis -> increased pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR)
(this can cause a L->R shunt to reverse to a R->L cyanotic shunt… but more on this later)
(Fun fact: “Eisenmenger” = “Iron monger” = iron pulmonary vasculature)
How does “exercise intolerance” in an infant manifest?
Difficulty feeding.
Can anemia mask cyanosis?
Yes. If a patient is significantly anemic, the saturation must be lower before they appear visible cyanotic.
Very important concept: What determines which way blood will flow across a septal defect (either atrial or ventricular)?
The resistance of the chambers downstream of those connected by the defect. (eg. for VSD, PVR vs. SVR)
I.e. it’s NOT pressure, because pressure will quickly equalize.
Important concept: Does the pulmonary circulation actively modulate how much flow it gets? Does the systemic circulation?
The systemic circulation always gets what it wants “four drops” - and will modify things (e.g. SVR, CO) such that that happens.
The pulmonary circulation does not modulate how much flow it receives. PVR is not actively regulated.
3 examples of ways to get Left to Right shunts?
Ventricular septal defect (VSD).
Atrial septal defect (ASD).
Patent ductus arteriosis (PDA).
When in systole do murmurs caused by VSD occur?
The murmur is loudest in early systole.
What is pre-natal pulmonary vascular resistance like?
What does this do to the RV?
It’s high. (There’s no point in sending much blood flow to the lungs.)
The RV is relatively hypertrophied and less compliant at birth, because of the forces it had to generate. This diminishes with time.
What happens in VSD pre-natally and just after birth? Why?
Because PVR is still high, there isn’t actually much flow across the VSD.
How does PVR change after birth?
Is this different when there’s VSD?
PVR increases after birth.
When there’s VSD, the decrease in PVR occurs more gradually.
If a VSD doesn’t initially have flow across it, when does it start to become a problem?
What pathological changes in the heart then occur?
When PVR drops, blood will flow from L->R across the VSD. (and a systolic murmur will appear)
This causes pressure overload for the RV and increased pulmonary blood flow (PBF), which will lead to volume overload for the LA and LV.
How can the volume overload to the left heart in VSD be detected by auscultation?
Volume overload will produce a mid-diastolic murmur due to “relative mitral stenosis.” (not stenosis per se, but diameter is small relative to what would be needed for optimum flow)
How do changes in heart caused by ASD (dilated LA and LV, hypertrophied RV) look on ECG?
Increased voltages.
So a VSD early on causes increased pulmonary blood flow (PBF) due to L->R shunting. What does this cause in the lungs?
What happens because of this change?
Eisenmenger reaction -> increased PVR.
Increased PVR will cause the direction of flow across the VSD to change - it becomes R->L flow.
This will cause increased RV hypertrophy, and cyanosis.
(the murmur and symptoms of VSD may actually remit for a time before the R->L flow begins).
What does VSD do to S2?
Recall S2 is normally split because the pulmonic valve closes after the aortic valve, esp. with inspiration.
VSD with increased PVR from Eisenmenger reaction cause there to be a single S2.
(I’m not sure if this is due to delayed aortic v. closure, or early pulmonic v. closure.)
What determines the direction of flow in atrial septal defect?
The compliance of the ventricles.
At birth how does LV and RV compliance compare?
What does this mean for flow across an ASD?
They’re about the same -> no net ASD flow.
Recall that the RV is relatively hypertrophied because of high pre-natal PVR.
When do ASDs become (easily) detectable, and why?
ASDs are not easily detectable until several months after birth.
By this point, the RV has been doing less work, and has atrophied a bit -> increased compliance.
Increased RV compliance means there will be L->R flow across the ASD, and a murmur will appear.
What changes in pressure and/or volume are caused by L->R blood flow in ASD?
RA gets more volume -> dilation -> increased risk for flutter and A fib later in life.
RV also sees more volume and become dilated -> risk of right sided HF later in life.
What causes the murmur(s) in ASD?
Increased flow across the pumonic valve -> systolic murmur.
Relative tricuspid stenosis -> diastolic murmur.
Note that flow across the ASD itself does not cause a murmur - the pressure and velocities are too small.
What does a murmur from patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) sound like?
Because the pressure in the aorta is always greater than that of the pulmonary artery, there is constant flow and murmur, but it is strongest during systole.
Why is patent ductus arteriosus a problem?
Mainly, too much pulmonary blood flow. With time, Eisenmenger’s may develop -> increased PVR -> switch to R->L flow across the PDA -> cyanosis.
(of course, increased PVR has its own problems and can cause heart failure)
5 complications of L->R shunts?
CHF secondary to volume and pressure overloads.
Pulmonary vascular disease (Eisenmenger’s).
Growth failure.
Repeated pneumonias.
Endocarditis (wear and tear on valves? turbulent flow -> fibrin?).
3 left heart obstructive lesions?
Aortic stenosis.
Aortic coarctation.
Hypoplastic left heart.
Say the isthmus between where the left subclavian a. comes off and the descending aorta is really narrow. Why does this not cause problems for a fetus?
The ductus arteriosus has partially oxygenated blood bypassing this narrowed area, so it’s not a problem.
When the DA closes, though, big problems.
Say there’s significant aortic stenosis. How can the fetal heart deal with this?
Blood from the DA can flow retrograde through the ascending aorta to service areas (the brain) that would normally receive blood from the PFO / left heart.
The increased DA seems to induce “coarctation” - a little septum like thing in wall of the aorta opposite the DA pointing towards the DA (I like to think that this helps preserve linear flow better a “T” shaped junction).
Why is aortic coarctation a problem after birth?
If the DA closes quickly -> shock, especially to areas supplied by the descending aorta.
If the DA closes slowly, there is more time for collaterals to develop… but it’s still not great.
What vessels provide collateral blood supply in compensated aortic coarctation? (How can this be seen radiologically?)
Intercostal arteries can provide collateral blood flow from the subclavian arteries.
(Engorged intercostals cause “notching” of the ribs.”)
If an infant is dependent on DA blood flow (say due to a fetal hypoplastic aortic arch), how can it be kept open temporarily as a bridge to surgery?
Prostaglandins can maintain DA patency.
3 disease manifestations of left heart outflow obstruction?
Increased LA pressure.
Ventricular hypertrophy.
DA dependence.
4 complications of left heart obstructive lesions?
CHF from remodeling.
Acidosis and circulatory collapse (if DA closes to quickly).
Sudden death.
2 categories of cyanotic heart disease?
Pulmonary Blood Flow (PBF) dependent, i.e. improves with more PBF (e.g. tetrology).
PBF independent.
Important concept: If there’s unlimited mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood (e.g. in tetrology of Fallot), how does PBF relate to the degree of cyanosis?
More PBF means less cyanosis.
so if you set up a shunt that creates more PBF, you help things a great deal
How does PBF relate to SVR and PVR, assuming an unlimited mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in the heart?
Higher SVR -> more PBF.
(Warm bath -> more cyanosis. Drawing knees to chest -> less cyanosis.)
Higher PVR -> less PBF.
There are 4 things wrong in tetrology of Fallot. But really they come from one defect. What is it?
The conal septum is malformed, and grows more into the RV - making a narrow pulmonary valve, pulling over the aortic valve, and creating a VSD.
The LV hypertrophy is reactive.
What are the 4 defects in tetrology of Fallot?
Small pulmonary valve.
Overriding aorta.
LV hypertrophy.
What causes the RV to hypertrophy in tetrology of Fallot?
The VSD.
(don’t think of it as due to the pulmonary stenosis - patients with varying degrees of pulmonary stenosis have been shown to have equivalent degrees of hypertrophy)
How do you alleviated tetrology of Fallot?
With a Blalock-Thomas-Taussig shunt:
A shunt is made from a subclavian artery to the pulmonary arteries.
What happens in transposition of the great arteries (TGA)?
The aorta comes off the RV, and PA comes off the LV.
Meaning.. the left heart just circulates oxygenated blood through lungs, and right heart just circulates deoxygenated blood through the rest of the body.
Does the degree of PBF determine the amount of cyanosis in TGA?
Nope. There’s plenty of PBF in TGA.
What 2 parameters determine the degree of cyanosis in TGA?
Size of the septal defect.
Relative ventricular compliances.
What can you do to help a infant with TGA immediately, prior to surgery?
Catheter balloon septostomy - make the PFO bigger.
How does blood flow across the PFO in TGA, esp. as PVR increases?
It’s complicated.
As PVR decreases, LA/LV compliance will increase (remember we’re in backwards land) -> flow into LA during diastole.
However, when the mitral valve closes, built up volume will flow back into the RA, allowing some oxygenated blood to get into the systemic circulation.
What does the Mustard procedure for TGA do?
What’s the problem with this?
It uses a “baffle” in the atria to direct inflow to the opposite side:
i.e. IVC/SVC -> mitral valve -> LV.
Aside from having a lot of stuff hanging out in the atria, the RV still has to do all of the work of pumping systemic circulation, which it doesn’t like to do.
What makes an arterial switch for TGA quite complicated?
Well, lots of stuff, but he emphasized that switching the coronary arteries is important.
(they’re cut out and moved so that they’re stretched as little as possible… but the stretching that does happen still leaves them vulnerable for forming thrombi later in life)
5 complications/compensations associated with low BPF cyanotic disorders (eg. tetrology)?
Compensatory polycythemia (and Fe deficiency anemia) Cerebrovascular accidents Brain abscesses Growth failure Bilirubin gallstones (high RBC turnover)
2 additional complications that happen in high PBF cyanotic disorders (e.g. TGA) but not in low PBF disorders?
Heart failure.
Pulmonary vascular disease.
How is transposition of the great arteries compatible with life?
Mixing of the 2 separate circulations occurs through the patent foramen ovale.