Congenital anomalies Flashcards
What is CHARGE syndrome?
- mutation usually of CHD7 gene
- Coloboma of the eye – hole in one of the structures of eye.
- Heart defects – vary in severity, but can include ventricular septal defects and tetralogy of Fallot.
- Atresia of the choanae – one or both of the openings at the back of the nose are blocked by bone or tissue. Choanal atresia causes breathing difficulties.
- Retardation of growth and/or development – children with CHARGE syndrome may not grow and develop at the same rate as other children their age. Often, they do not start puberty without additional hormone treatment.
- Genital and/or urinary abnormalities – small penis and/or undescended testicles. The inner lips of the vagina may be very small.
- Ear abnormalities and deafness – most children with CHARGE syndrome have some level of hearing impairment, varying from mild to profound, along with underdeveloped or low-set ears.
Patau syndrome (trisomy 13)
- most affected babies die in infancy
- most detected on antenatal USS (2nd tri) followed by chromosomal analysis
Clinical features
- __structural defect of brain
- scalp defects
- microphthalmia
- other eye defects
- cleft lip and palate
- polydactaly
- cardiac and renal malformations
Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18)
Clinical features
- __LBW
- prominent occiput
- small mouth and chin
- short sternum
- flexed, overlapping fingers
- ‘Rocker-bottom’ feet
- cardiac and renal malformations
Cause: failure of fusion of neural plate to form the neural tube during first 28 days of conception. Folic acid supplementation = reduction in risk.
- high dose- those with previous NTD pregnancy periconceptually
- low dose- all pregnancies periconceptually
Anencephaly: failure of development of most of cranium. Still birth or die within hours of birth. Usually detected antenatally on USS - termination usually performed.
Encephalocele: extrusion of brain and meninges through a midline skull defect. Corrected surgically. Underlying cerebral malformations.
Spina bifida occulta: failure of fusion of vertebral arch. Incidental finding on XR or skin lesion: tuft of hair, lipoma, birth mark or small dermal sinus. Tethering of cord may be underlying.
Meningocele: good prognosis after surgical repiar.
Myelomeningocele: associated with variable paralysis of legs; muslce imbalance (may cause dislocation of hip/ talipes), sensory loss, bladder denervation (neuropathic bladder), bowel denevervation (neuropathic bowel), scoliosis, hydrocephalus (Chiari malformation)
Features of ambiguous genitalia and management
- Y chromosome presence –> differentiation of gonad into a testis (production of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone result in development of male genitalia)
- Absence of Y–> gonads become ovaries and the genitalia female
- Most common cause of a disorder of sexual development is female virilisation from congenital adrenal hypoplasia
- abnormal genitalia- half way between male and female
- if genitalia is abnormal infant sex must not be assigned
- medical, surgical, psychological specialist involvement
- birth registration delayed
- karyotyping
- adrenal and sex hormone measurements
- USS of internal structures and gonads
- females: corrective surgery within 1st year of life- definitive usually delayed until puberty
- males (salt-losing): saline, dextrose, hydrocortisone IV
- both (long-term): lifelong glucocorticoids, mineralocortoids (salt loss), monitoring of growth, skeletal maturity, plasma androgens and 17AH
- additional hormone replacement during illness/ surgery (unable to mount a cortisol response)
What is congenital adrenal hypoplasia?
Autosomal recessive condition- disorder of adrenal steroid biosynthesis
- 90% = deficiency of 21-hydroxylase (cortisol production)
- 80% = loss of aldosterone leading to salt loss
- Decrease in corticol stimulates pituitary to release adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) which drive the overproduction of adrenal androgens
- virilization in female infants: clitoral hypertrophy, fusion of labia
- enlargement/ pigmentation of penis in males
- 80% males = salt losers
- 1-3 weeks of age
- vomiting, weight loss, floppiness and circulatory collapse
- 20% males = non-salt losers
- tall stature
- muscular build
- adult BO
- pubic hair
- acne
- precocious pubarche
- __increased 17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone
- hyponatraemia
- hyperkalaemia
- metabolic acidosis
- hypoglycaemia
Inborn errors of metabolism associated with ambiguous genitalia
- androgen insensitivity syndrome
- 5-alpha reductase deficiency
- gonadotrophin insufficiency (Prader-Willi, congenital hypopituitarism)
ovotesticular disorder of sexual development- hermaphroditism
- rare
- complex external phenotype
- XX- and Y- containing cells
Outline impact of renal abnormalities on developing fetus and newborn
- abnormalities identified in 1/ 200-400 births
- abnormal renal development and function
- predispose to postnatal infection
- urinary obstruction- requiring surgical intervention
Abnormalities detectable on antenatal USS
__renal agenesis
- severe oligohydramnios
- results in Potter syndrome
multicystic dysplastic kidney (MDK)
- failure of union of uteric bud with the nephrogenic mesenchyme
- non-functioning structure
- no renal tissue
- no connection to bladder
- 50% involute by 2 years of age
- nephrectomy: HTN, large defect
- Potter syndrome results if bilateral
autosomal recessive polysystic kidney
- some/normal renal function
- both kindeys affected
autosomal dominant polycystic kidney
- some/normal renal function
- both kindeys affected
- haematuria
- RF in late adulthood
- cysts in liver/ pancreas/ cerebral aneurysms MV prolapse
__renal agenesis
Potters syndrome: intrauterine compression of fetus from oligohydramnios caused by lack of fetal urine.
- characteristic facies
- lung hypoplasia
- postural deformities (severe talipes)
- still born
- respiratory failure after birth (hrs)
Other renal abnormalities
- __pelvic/ horseshoe kidney
- duplex system
- bladder exotrophy
- Prune-belly syndrome
- absence of or severe deficiency of abdo wall mm, large bladder, dilated ureters and crytorchidism
- obstruction in renal tract
- neuropathic bladder
- posterior urthethra
- posterior urethral valves
NB poor liquor growth volume results in pulmonry hypoplasia. Newborn kidney has low GFR, low urine flow therefore may not present for a few days