confused Flashcards






verb1; to mix up someone’s mind or idea, or to make something difficult to understand

  • You’re confusing him ! Tell him slowly and one thing at a time
  • Stop confusing the issue (=making the problem unnecessarily difficult) !

verb2;to mix up two seperate things or people in your mind, imagining that they are one

  • You’re confusing me with my sister - she’s the one studying drama
  • It’s easy to confuse his films, because he tends to use the same actors

noun1;a situation in which people do not understand what is happening, what they should do or who someone or somthing is

  • There seems to be some confusion over who is actually giving the talk
  • To avoid confusion, the twins never wore the same clothes

​a situation, often with a lot of activity and noise, in which people do not know what to do

  • In the confusion after the bomb blast, I lost my bag and wasn’t able to stop and look for it

adj 1 ; unable to think clearly or to understand something

  • Grandfather gets quite confused sometimes and doesnot even know what day it is
  • ı’m a bit confused. Was that her husband or her son she was with ?

​adj2;not clear and therefore difficult to understand

  • Your essay gets a bit confused halfway through when you introduce too many ideas at once
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