What’s the difference between informational social influence and normative social influence?
Informational Social Influence is The influence of other people that leads us to conform because we see them as a source of information to guide our behavior
Normative Social Influence occurs because we conform to a group’s social norms to be liked and accepted
What type of influences affect Heaven’s gates followers?
situational social influences
When we watch what someone does to help us determine what to do, what type of social influence are we depending on?
Informational social influence
What is the difference between private acceptance and public compliance?
Private acceptance changes our beliefs AND behavior; public only changes our behavior.
What is the social norms method to combat binge drinking?
Admins gave accurate information about just how much people really drank and because it was lower than what people initially though, it was more likely privately accepted and resulted in change of behavior.
T or F: The more important a task, the less likely we are to succumb to informational social influence.
FALSE, we’re MORE likely to succumb to informational social influence because we’re less likely to trust ourselves.
What are the 3 circumstances that people conform to informational social influence?
- When a situation is ambiguous (My Lai situation)
- In a crisis or emergency (goes hand with ambiguity)
- When other people appear to be experts (looking to flight attendant during turbulence)
Why do we usually conform?
What does this result in?
So we don’t stand out and to be accepted and liked.
This results in public compliance (not believing in private)
What was the result of Asch’s Conformity Experiment?
This was a normative social influence situation.
76% conformed at least one, and they indicated that they didn’t want to be different or appear foolish; no social disapproval even with strangers
What are 2 factors that Decrease conformity?
- If even one person goes against the group, conformity drops by 80%.
- Answering in private.
What are the FACTORS that increase Conformity?
- Conformity increases when group size increases (3 or more people [32% more conformity])
- Status of Majority
+More influential (more along lines of Informational social influence as expert)
Having dinner with the boss and drinking what they’re drinking - Difficulty of task or Ambiguity
+When the lines were closer in size, the more likely participants were to conform
T or F: Most people are willing to support someone who will not conform to the group.
False - generally they are rejected and pushed out.
T or F: A heavy body is attractive when food supply is unreliable.
What type of social influence do we rely on to define attractiveness?
Informational social influence
Normative social influences explain women’s attempts to create body image (such as thinness and curviness throughout the decades)
What did Latane’s Social Impact Theory suggest about the likelihood of conforming to normative social influence?
- Strength - How important is the person or people in the group to me? (I would most likely conform with Dennis than some rando)
+Consequence: policy decisions; cohesive group makes policy decisions and they end up caring more about pleasing each other rather than making best decision (Iraq war – the normative influence was due to the people)
- Immediacy - How physically close are the people who attempt to influence us? (Physical proximity)
- Number of people in the group (3 or more; same level of conformity)
What percentage of people continued with the max volts (450) in Milgram’s studies?
How many teachers continued with the experiment even after the learned cried out?
What were the factors that played a role in influencing people in Milgram’s study?
Self-justication: justifying immoral behavior; the small increments justified the following shocks.
Loss of personal responsibility: “doing my job and following orders”
Cognitive Dissonance: each rationalization of dissonance provided basis to escalade the shock and self-jsutify
What happened when experimenters allowed people to choose their own level of shock?
Only 2 1/2% of people gave max shock
Why do we base our actions on informational social influence?
We think other people are more accurate than us