Conformity Flashcards
What is conformity
type of social influence that describes how a person changes their attitude or behaviour as a resposne to real or imagined social pressure
the shallowest level of conformity and a short term change, this is when a person chnages their public behaviour but nit their private beleifs
medium level of conformity which is also a short term change, this is when a person chnages public behaviour and private beleifs but only in the presecence of the group
deepest level of conformity and a long term change, where a person chnages publuc behaviour and private beleifs
2 explanations of conformity
Informational social influence
Normative social influence
What is ISI
the need to be right , likley to occur in a situation where there is some ambiguity
What is NSI
need to be liked, where you may feel concerned about being rejected
When did jennesses experiment happen
What was jenesses experiment
used an ambiguous situation that involved a glass bottle filled with jelly beans
-sample consisted of 101 psychology students who individually estimated how many jelly beans there were-participants were then divided into groups of 3 and asked to provide a groupo estimate through discussion, they were provided with another opportunity to individually estimate the number of beans to see if they chnaged their origional answer
What were the results of jenesses experiment
The results shows that nearly all participants chnaged their answer when given an opportunity to do so
Why did the pps change their answer in jenesses exp
Conclusion shows that the pps chnaged their answer because they beleived the group estimate was more accurate, demonsrates the power of conformity in an ambigious situation, so the experiment was isi
What does nsi lead to
What does isi lead to