Conformity Flashcards
a change in behavior or belief as the result of real or imagined group pressure
Types of conformity
acceptance; compliance; obedience
acting and believing in accord with social pressure
publicly acting in accord with an implied or explicit request while privately disagreeing
acting in accord with a direct order or command
Muzafer Sherif
studies on norm formation
Norm formation
how people come to agree on something
Stanley Milgram
obedience studies
Solomon Asch
studies on group pressure
Mood linkage
being happy around happy people; chameleon effect
Mass hysteria
suggestibility to problems that spread throughout a large group
Experimental realism
experiments are real and impactful on participants
Mundane realism
study procedures and materials are similar to events in the real world
Autokinetic phenomenon
apparent movement of a stationary point light in the dark
Milgram original study
administer shocks; 65% administered shocks; “only following orders”
Informational influence
conformity occurs when people accept evidence about reality
different cultures socialize people to be more or less conforming
Normative influence
conformity; the desire to fulfill others’ expectations