Conflict over Germany 1947-49 (4) Flashcards
What was happening politically within the Soviet Zone?
Stalin acknowledged the four political parties, communists (KPD), German Social Democrats (SPD), Liberals (LDPD) and the Christian Democrats (CDU). He believed however that the communists would become dominant, they did not. The KPD and the SPD were therefore forcibly merged and a new party was created in February 1946, the German socialist Unity Party. This created much opposition.
Furthermore, the Soviets introduced
Land reform
Nationalisation of large industrial production
Compulsory tuition of the Russian Language
How was the American Zone run?
The Office of Military Government, United States
The USA allowed free elections
A national structure of federalism
What were Lucius Clay’s policies?
In 1947 he said ‘no’ to the Soviets wanting joint control over the Ruhr, the continued economic and social deprivation in the US and British zones and the Soviet desire to create a centralised Germany. In May 1946 he stated that the USSR would receive no further reparations until a plan for Germany’s economic recovery was established.
What was the impact of Bizonia?
January 1947
Americans saw it as consistent with the Potsdam Agreement
The four-power agreement in Germany was a failure
This and the Marshall Plan were fundamental factors of a divided Germany
Conferences after the creation of Bizonia?
- Moscow Conference March-April 1947, USSR demanded a central administration of Germany to be created
- London Conference November-December 1947, USSR accused the West of unjustly denying reparations
- Western London conference 1948 - discussions on new currency
- 7th June 1948 Germany given its own constitution
When was the Deutsche Mark introduced?
23rd June 1948
When and what was the Berlin Blockade?
24th June 1948, one day after the Deutsche Mark was introduced, the Soviet Union blocked all road and rail routes into the Western Zones and into West Berlin through the Soviet Zone. Stalin then issued an ultimatum for the Western Powers to leave Germany or the people of West Berlin would starve, 2.3 million people. General Clay and British foreign secretary Benvin believed this was not an option to give the Soviets all of Germany. They therefore sent provisions through airlifts in three air-corridors.
At its peak how many flights and how much supplies were delivered in the airlift?
26,000 flights and 230,000 tonnes in April 1949.
How did the blockade end?
In May 1949 Stalin lifted the blockade and his attempt had failed, Germany however was now completely divided.
Creation of West and East Germany?
1949, constitution came into effect and Konrad Adenauer became the elected leader.
Remained an occupation state
October 1949 Constitution of East Germany came into effect, effectively a one-party state
Defence previous to NATO
USA transitioned from isolationism to globalism
Western European Union - to prevent any German resurgence
4th April 1949
- To ‘settle international disputes’
- To ‘further development of peaceful and friendly international relations’
- To ‘an attack against one member state is an attack against them all’
How many countries founded NATO?
When did Greece and Turkey join NATO?
What happened in 1954?
The Soviet Union was declined membership into NATO.
What happened in 1955?
West Germany joined NATO and the USSR formed the Warsaw Pact.