Conflict of Laws Flashcards
domicile by operation of law
Domicile. by operation of law occurs when a person does not have the legal capacity to choose her domicile, as in the case of infants or incompetents
sources of state choice-of-law rules
- specific CoL statues
- contractual CoL agreements
- general CoL rules governed by forum state common law
how due process clause affects choice of law
Under 14A, SCOTUS has held that forum state may apply its own law to a particular case only if it has significant contact or aggregation of contacts with state such that CoL is neither arbitrary nor fundamentally unfair
in what two cases will forum states limited contacts with a case violate due process?
- fact that cause of action was brought in its courts
- fact that plaintiff once lived there
how has SCOTUS held the term “public acts” in the full faith and credit clause must be defined?
“public acts” includes both a state’s statutes and its substantive case law - each state must give full faith and credit to them
when does the full faith and credit clause require a forum state to apply the law of another state?
when the forum state has no contacts with or interest in the controversy
when does the full faith and credit clause not require a forum state to apply the law of another state?
- the forum has contacts or interest in the controversy
- applying another state’s law would be in violation of its own legitimate public policy
when will courts enforce a contractual choice of law provision?
if it is
1. a valid agreement with an effective CoL clause;
2. applicable to the lawsuit under the K terms;
3. reasonably related to the lawsuit (law is from state w/connections to parties or K); and
4. not in violation of the public policy of the forum state or another interested state
three approaches courts apply in CoL cases
as long as no const mandate or statute on point -
1. vested rights approach (restatement 1)
2. most significant relationship approach (restatement 2)
3. governmental-interest approach
what does the vested-rights approach look to in deciding CoL?
jx where parties’ rights are vested, meaning where act or real that gives rise to CoA was created
loc where last liable event took place
vested-rights approach - order of operations
- characterize issues in CoA - subset or procedural
- if proc - apply own proc rules
- if subs - ID subst area (using own state law)
- apply CoL rules per subst area
what is the main focus of the most significant relationship approach?
policy objectives behind competing laws of different states
significant-rel approach - 7 policy principles
- needs of interstate/intl sys
- relevant policies of forum
- policies of interested states
- party expecs
- policy underlying substantial areas of law
- certainty, predictability, uniformity
- ease of future application
most-sig-rel approach - order of operations
- isolate precise legal issue that results in conflict between states
- ID policy objectives each state’s law seeks to achieve wrt issue
- determine each state’s interest in view of its policy obj to determine which has superior connection with dispute
diff CoL may be made per diff issues
main thrust of governmental-interest approach to CoL
presumed that forum state will apply own law, but parties may request that another state’s law be applied
under gov-interest approach, when should forum dismiss the case?
if it is a disinterested forum (no interest in applying own laws) and forum non conveniens is available
factors considered in forum non conveniens
- availability of alternative forum
- law that will apply
- location of parties, witnesses, evidence
under govt-int, when do states have an interest in applying conduct-regulating laws?
when wrongful conduct occurs w/in their territory, or
state domiciliary is injured
under govt-int, when do states have an interest in applying their loss-shifting (immunizing) laws?
when doing so would benefit a state domiciliary
Under Klaxon, in a fed div case, what CoL rules must fed dist court apply?
CoL rules of state in which it sits (if rules valid under FFC and DPC clauses)
if transferred from fed court in another state under fed venue law, apply law of first state
doctrine of renvoi
requires that forum court applying the law of another state to decide a matter also apply that foreign state’s COL rules
modern CoL approach - requires forum to consider sep which state’s law should govern for each subset issue if would be resolved diff
federal tort claims act CoL rule
FTCA requires application of whole law - including conflict rules - of place where act/omission occurred
when there is an express CoL provision, then that law will govern unless
- it is contrary to public policy
- there is no reasonable basis for the parties choice; or
- there was fraud or mistake and true consent was not given
three general arguments against application of foreign law
law to be applied is
1. procedural rather than substantive
2. against public policy
3. a penal law
a forum state’s law is applied to determine whether a foreign state law is substantive or procedural, so long as…
the result is not arbitrary or so unreasonable as to constitute a denial of DPC or FFAC
substantive or procedural: application of parol evidence rule
substantive; gov’d by laws of state that govern validity of K
substantive or procedural: evidence admis
usually procedural