Conflict in Indochina Flashcards
Northern politics to 64
Ho’s regime in power in the North, predestined the political tension and ultimate stabilisation that allowed Ho to act on his nationalistic vision.
- lack of support gained at geneva=drastic measures like Chinh’s Agricultural Reform Tribunals
- death of 100000 feudalists landlords, french collaborationists etc
- fear leads to peasant rebellion e.g. November Nghe revolt 1956
-Ho steps in: apologising, dismissing chinh and his shit in 1958 and instating new secure policies, winning the hearts and minds to politically stabilise
- stalled by promise of 1956 elections
- when called off a need for military action is made prominent
North Economic to 64
The geographic split and lack of support predestined the North’s initial economic turmoil but ultimately allowed the northern economy to flourish, eliminating southern dependency and constructing the economic backbone necessary for prolonged war
- no support despite Japanese exploitation and french war leaving northern economy fragile built on the ruins of infrastructure
- survive via aid from communist china and USSR
- worsened by geneva split down 17th parallel depriving north of mekong delta
- despite this north given opportunity to become self sustaining and strengthen as a nation
- cooperativisational program 85% peasant participation rate by 1960, north can feed itself.
- Three Year Economic Plan implemented in 1958 sees previous french business nationalised
- economic growth rate highest in asia
-rise of confident and independent north prepared for warfare
North Social to 64
-despite class struggle and paranoia born of tribunals, stabilised as one people under Ho.
- 300 day period of legal migration allowed over 1000000 catholics and would be opposers of Ho to move south replaced with over 140000 vietnminh (who ho led in first indochina war).
- loss of population, particularly skilled professionals, was a blow but further unified the nation.
south political to 64
- bao dai and premier diem chosen at agreements, anti-communist anti-colonialist
- support allowed diem to consolidate power: october 1955 rigged referendum and calling off 1956 election
- regime: nepotism, can lao arresting 150000 by 1961, killing 12000 communists under ordinance 47 (1956)
- US continue to support due to fear of domino theory
- quang duc self immolation 11 june 1963
- coup on 1 november 1963
- revolving door republic, now ideologically bound and politically reliant in US
South economic to 64
- wouldve been as fragile as north without us aid, $322m in 1955 alone.
- money to migrant catholics (tax avoidance) and cities (new factories and transport schemes)
- created rich middle class and poor bitter rural peasants
- impact grew with cold war escalation
- further polarised north and south
- made southern defeat a greater blow to us international esteem (70% of reason for involvement in 1971 pentagon papers)
South Social to 64
- pre-vietminh landlords reclaim land and charge peasants
- agroville program
- 20 december 1960 NLF establish
- 5500 regular force and 30000 irregular guerrilla force
- infiltrated every corner of southern life
- assassination of 4000 accessories of Diem
- 1961 80% control of countryside, threatening diems power
- diem and US think all resistance from North, thus moniker Vietcong, US policy of containment (1947 Truman doctrine)
- US manpower 1954: 600 to 1963: 16700
Nature and development of US policy towards indochina
Truman(45 to 53: 1947 Truman Doctrine
Eisenhower(53 to 61): Domino Theory
John F Kennedy (1961-Nov 1963): incremental escalation +proof he may have been planning withdrawal
Johnson (Nov 1963-69): americanises the war
Nixon (1969-74): peace with honour, vietnamisation
Ford: cleaning up and walking away
ARVN and US Strategy and Tactics:
Attrition- overwhelming firepower making war costly for north to keep up. Measured in bombs dropped and body count.
Identify NLF and sympathisers
Wipeout enemy hideouts and supply lines
Gain control of hanoi in the north.
–ultimately flawed strategy, accounting for north as a domino of communism not a nationalistic struggle
Search and destroy- suddenly surround and attack villages harbouring/helping VC. Villages often destroyed without evidence of VC.
(Made possible by helicopters)
Helicopters- 5500 in vietnam by 1968, most important weapon for US.
-Allowed for quick movement over jungle but needed clear space to land was was loud. VC had time to run or set trap.
Carpet Bombing- 27 tonnes of bombs could be dropped on a mission, more than one mission per day for several years.
Defoliant- agent orange “operation ranch hand”- 19million gallons from 65-71. Caused genetic problems
Napalm- petroleum jelly and thickening agent
Pacification- moving south vietnamese residents to refugee camps and burning villages-Strategic Hamlet Program
NVA and NLF Strategy and Tactics:
Attrition- prolong the war to wear down US forces, funds and morale. Willing to lose a dozen men for each US death.
Gain support of South Vietnamese citizens
Remove US from vietnam as a communist regime under Ho.
Hit and run- ambush- attacks at night
Booby traps e.g. Punji sticks- 0 cost and citizens can do it, building morale- 11% of US deaths
Travelled with nothing more than a ak-47, ammo and rice. No uniform so they could blend in with civilians.
VC and north troops respect civilians, help them when possible. In return civilians would house, feed, hide them from US
Cu Chi Tunnels
250km of tunnels, all the way to Cambodian border
Ho Chi Minh Trail
Network of trails from north vietnam through cambodia to the south, in places over 80km wide
-Up to 10000 tonnes of supplies daily
50s-64: VC supplied by north
64-68: NVA forces move south, engage in few set piece battles
68-72: after VC losses at tet offensive, NVA continue bulk of the fighting.
72: full scale conventional warfare
75: Victory
Tet offensive:
Jan-Feb 1968
Attack included 84000 communist troops targeting 36 of 44 south provincial capitals and more than 60 other towns.
- hoped scale of attack would spur civilians to revolt
- collapse thieu’s presidency
- convince US to leave due to communist determination.
Result: miscommunication on start date (29/30/31 Jan) meant few towns captured prematurely, alerting South forces.
Losses: US/ARVN-9000 civilian-14000
-nearly 3/4 of all houses in Hue destroyed or badly damaged (worst of the fighting, continued till march)
Consequences: Morale/propaganda loss for the americans, boost for North:
- TV news focused on scale of the attack, pictures of North forces on the grounds of the US embassy. While america easily won the large majority of these battles it was enough to convince US citizens they were losing, and thus had been lied to. Included respected reporter Walter Cronkite who shared his belief the war could only end in stalemate, “if ive lost walter Cronkite, iv lost mr average citizen”- johnson
- Destroyed president johnsons career as he was forced to backdown on all his stances on the war. did not run for re-election.
- general Westmoreland received no more troops past 1968, #peaking at 550000.
- nixon elected on november on platform of ‘peace with honour’ and ‘vietnamisation’
Nature and significance of anti-war movement:
1964- small scale protests insignificant to administration
1965/66- Students for Democratic Society (SDS) protests, membership grows to 30000
- campus sit-ins, teach-ins and draft card burning popular. By 1973 13500 persecuted for draft resistance. - norman morrison self-immolates outside pentagon
1967-some senators questioning war
1968-anti war candidates seeking election, nixon wins on platform of “peace with honour”
1969-November 250000 people march in Washington
- Kent State University protest has 4 students shot by national guard, further furore ensues. - Nixon invasion of cambodia sparks more protests - counter demonstrations to support troops e.g. 100000 march in new york.
1971- scale of protests drops as withdrawal is imminent
Despite the furore support for the war never drops below 50%, vocal minority
1) us not winning- made apparent at tet
2) media
3)issues of social inequality- civil rights movement ongoing in 60s, sees war as not treating all americans fairly.
Middle class are able to get college deferments to get out of draft while lower class cant afford to.
-did not have a major impact on the results of the war. Primarily lowered US troops morale and increased nothern morale
US Policy Under Nixon
Elected November 1968 (after tet)
Vietnamisation- believed ARVN could be built up to fight on its own with US financial support so US could with withdraw troops.
Scaled back beliefs (after tet) from total victory to maintaining an independent southern state as happened in Korea
Linkage- persuade Soviet Union and China with concessions in the nuclear and economic fields (cold war tensions) to pressure North Vietnam to compromise in the peace talks.
Madman theory-false message to north vietnam that Nixon is a mad anti-communist with his finger on the nuclear button, putting extra pressure on hanoi.
Peace with Honour-
Bring troops home while convincing president Thieu he was not being deserted. Needed to put pressure on North Vietnam if he wanted serious negotiation at the Paris Peace Talks but without enflaming the anti-war movement at home.
Whats more serious progress had to be made before 1972 if he wanted to be reelected.
National Security Advisor- Henry Kissinger
Result of Nixons Policies 1969-71: Operation Phoenix
1969: Operation Phoenix
Aim- to neutralise VC chiefs and supports, fighting like guerrillas.
-very effective, almost 20000 captured of which 6000 were killed.
Result of Nixons Policies 1969-71: Operation Menu/Incursion into Cambodia
March 1969: Operation Menu
Aim-To sever links between NVA troops and their supply routes by bombing the Ho Chi Minh Trail and communists headquarters in Cambodia in secret.
In May 1970 over 100000 US and ARVN troops invaded (‘incursion’) into cambodia to root out communist headquarters. Absolute failure- No bases were found and over 5000 casualties.
On top of this bringing the war to cambodia leaked and enflamed anti-war movement (expanding the war when meant to be winding down)
Declining US morale
- everyone knew the war was on the point of being over and for a saigon regime riddled with corruption
- lack of support from home, anti war movement
- constant paranoia of guerrilla warfare
As a result:
- 1971 desertion rates 5x that of 1966
- pentagon estimate 3/4 soldiers had tried heroin
- fragging-in 1971 over 500 cases of troops attempting murder on their officers
-My Lai Massacre in 1968, around 500 unarmed civilians killed (due to paranoia)