Conflict Essay Flashcards
My vassal king
It’s got my teeth marks in it
While I am king, while I am king, the key will keep the lock and the broombrush will keep the cow and no man, no man, will stand above that law
We killed the pigs today. Did you hear them screaming? … This is alright. This is natural. This is how it has to be. We need salted meat for the winter … you can teach a child anything … Killing pigs or killing men.
I can’t look weak. Not even for one sunny afternoon. I never had a friend. I have the queen.
They say they’re the souls of dead men, lost on their way to heaven. But they look happy enough… She will love me now, won’t she Meg?
Paragraph 1
Point of attack
Albany Stewarts don’t respect him
James is under Henry’s control, his puppet
Albany Stewarts don’t want to cede power to him
Isabella’s quote foreshadows difficulties to come, the spoon is symbolism for the Scottish throne
Paragraph 2
Act 2
Walter’s horseshoe accident shows James is not respected
He wants to be a fair ruler (lawmaker)
Isabella’s “soup”
Joan doesn’t follow Isabella’s advice and instead tells James to act
The pigs are a metaphor for the Albany Stewarts, the small child is a metaphor for James
James wants to be the lawmaker, but he realises he first must be the warrior
Paragraph 3
He breaks his deal with Murdac and executes his sons after the fight, to prove he has control
He says he is happy with his choice to become the warrior but internally he isn’t
He feels guilty about executing the Albany Stewarts
He hopes Joan will love him
Analyse “My vassal king”
-Define “vassal”
-Word choice - James (and therefore Scotland) is under control of Henry (and therefore England)
Analyse “It’s got my teeth marks in it”
-Symbolism (Scottish power)
-Foreshadowing difficulties to come
Analyse “While I am king”
-“the key will keep the lock” - security and title reference
-Repetition “While I am king” and “no man”
Analyse “we killed the pigs today”
-Symbolism - the pigs are the Albany Stewarts and the child is James
-Repetition “This is..”
Analyse “I can’t look weak”
-Short sentences emphasise his words
-Shows how lonely the life of a leader is
Analyse “the souls of dead men”
-Symbolism - the fulmars are the dead Albany Stewarts
The situation forced James into someone he didn’t want to be
Isabella - “the wheel will turn around again”, Scotland will not remain at peace for long
Links to present - the loneliness of leadership and the struggle to remain peaceful in the face of adversity