Conflict and tension (1918-1939) Flashcards
How many total British and French casualties were there?
9 million
What Impact did the war have on France?
- Land destroyed (fought on their land)
- 9 million French (and British) casualties
What impact did the war have on USA?
- 120,000 casualties
What impact did the war have on Britain?
- 9 million British (and French) casualties
- Workforce reduced
What were the main aims of George Clemenceau?
- Revenge for damage
- Economic benefits
- Rhineland demilitarized
- German army reduced
- Germany crippled (split into smaller countries)
What were the main aims of Woodrow Wilson?
- 14 Peace Points
- League of Nations
- Self-determination
- Freedom of the Seas
What were the main aims of Lloyd-George?
- Economic benefits
- Germany’s battleships
- Germany’s empire
- Caution
- Trade
- Germany’s navy removed
- would advocate for French ideas, allies
14 points (name five)
- No secret treaties
- Free access to seas (in peacetime or wartime)
- Free trade
- All to work towards disarmament
- League of Nations to be set up
- Self-determination (+of colonies)
- France to regain Alsace-Lorraine
- German troops to leave Russia
When was WWI?
(Just checking you know ;) )
28 July 1914
11 November 1918
When was WWII?
(I’m sure you know this but :/ )
1 September 1939
2 September 1945
Why did the Allies find it so hard to reach a compromise at Versailles? [Time constraint]
- Had 12 months to make it
(short compared to usually) - Big three pressured by countries that needed money for rebuilding their country
Main terms of the TOV
- German navy 15,000 men 1,500 officers 6 battleships
- League of Nations formed (Germany not allowed)
- Anschluss (Germany + Austria) forbidden
- Germany split (Polish Corridor -
(allowed them access to the sea) - No tanks submarines or air force
- Article 232 - reparations of £6.billion
- Article 231 - blame
- Danzig made a free city
- Army 100,000 men no conscription
- SAAR (coalmines) mandate for 15 years
- colonies in Africa —> mandates, controlled Brit and Fran
- Rhineland demilitarised
What did the Germans call the TOV?
A ‘Diktat’, ‘dictated peace’
What did the Germans call the politicians that signed the armistice
‘November criminals’
(thought they agreed to ceasefire not surrender)
were a new government
Why the TOV was fair
- Normal for losers to be punished
(e.g. Treaty of Brest-Litovsk - 1/4 of Russian farmland and pop lost. after WW1) - Europe falling apart, under pressure
- WW1 most devastating war, only right