Confirmation test Flashcards
Who was the head of the church was Jesus died?
Who is the pope?
The successor of St. Peter
Pope Francis
What is the Church structure?
a hierarchy
What is an infallibility?
a gift given to the church by the power of the holy spirit
Who are the church’s ordained leaders?
bishops, priests, and deacons
What is a cardinal?
an honorary title normally given to a bishop who serves the church in a significant way
What is a bishop?
a ordained minister who belongs to the college of bishops, heads a diocese, and has the power to confer holy orders
What is the name of the bishop of trenton
David M. O’Connell
What is a College of Bishops?
all bishops as a group and in union with the pope, are the supreme authority of the church
What is a diocese?
a group of parishes join together under a leadership of the bishop.
Who are the bishop’s ordained helpers?
priests and deacons
What is the magisterium?
the teaching authority of the Catholic Church as embodied in the college of bishops in union with the pope, or in the pope.
what is a pastor and who is ours?
a priest appointed to lead and care for the people of a parish
G. Scott Shaffer
what is a parish
a worshiping community of Catholics established as a unit of the church under the leadership of a priest.
What is a priest?
a man empowered through the sacrament of holy orders to act in the person of Christ
what is a deacon?
an ordained local leader who assists the bishops and priests
what is a sacrament
the church’s seven main signs through which Jesus continues his saving actions among people
what is the purpose of a sacrament?
through the sacraments, God offers us the gift of grace the sacraments are life links with God
what is grace
God’s divine life within us, the life of the trinity, God’s own life and love
what are the 7 sacraments
holy orders
anointing of the sick
What are the sacraments of initiation?
baptism, confirmation, communion
what are the sacraments of healing
reconciliation and anointing of the sick
What are the sacraments of vocation?
matrimony and holy orders
which sacraments can only be received once?
baptism, confirmation and holy orders.
what is the liturgical year?
an annual cycle of seasons and celebrations that honor Jesus
how long is the easter triduum
extends from evening mass of the lords supper on holy Thursday to easter evening prayer
what does the church celebrate on holy thurs
the last supper, institution of the eucharist, insitution of holy orders
what does the church celebrate on good friday
the saving death of the lord
what does the church celebrate on holy saturday
easter vigil, jesus’ passover
what does the church celebrate on easter sunday
the resurrection of the lord
what is liturgy
the church’s official public worship of God
what is the church’s central act of worship?
the eucarist
what is the scripture?
the written record of God’s saving acts in history
what does the bible contain?
a collection of writings
what is inspiration?
the influence and guidance of God
what is revelation?
the process by which God has made himself known
why is the bible called revelation?
God has chosen to reveal himself in history
what are the hebrew scriptures
the old testament
how many books make up the old testament?
what are the books of the old testament?
the law, the prophets, and the writings
what is the pentateuch
the first five books of the old testament
what is genesis
the first book of the Hebrew scriptures.
what is the main theme of the biblical story of creation in the book of genesis?
life originally began through god’s creative power
what is the new testamant
the part of the bible which is the record of god’s love and saving actions in Jesus
how many books make up the new testament?
how is the new testament divided?
the gospels, the acts of apostles, the epistles, book of revelation
what are the great commandments of god
love the lord, your god, with all your heart with all your soul with all your mind and with all your strength
love one another as i has loved you
what is a virtue?
attitudes and actions which promote the good of an individual or society
what are the theological virtues
faith, hope and charity
what are the moral virtues?
justice, temperance, fortitude and prudence
what is purgatory
the state of purification which we pass after death and experience heaven
what is pentecost?
the christian feast celebrated fifty days after Jesus’ Resurrection.
what is the sign of confirmation?
imposition of hands, signing of the cross, anointing with holy oil
what is the holy oil of confirmation called?
holy chrism
who is the usual minister of confirmation
the bishop of diocese?
what is reason for having sponsors at confirmation
helping the one confirmed by prayers, words and example to carry out their duties of faith