Confirmation Flashcards
What are the 4 types of bites?
level, overshot, scissors, undershot
Definition of a dogs bite
position of the upper and lower teeth when the mouth is closed
Name the 6 types of ears
Bat ear, button ear, drop ear, prick ear, rose ear, and semiprick ear
Name the 4 types of eyes
Almond, full(round, globular), oval, triangular
Describe a level bite
When the front teeth, or incisors, of the upper and lower jaw meet exactly tip to tip
Describe a scissor bite
When the outside edge of the lower incisors just touches the inside edge of the upper incisors
Describe an undershot bite
Where the front teeth of the upper jaw do not reach as far forward as the front teeth of the lower jaw when the mouth is closed
Describe an overshot bite
When the incisors of the upper jaw extend beyond the incisors of the lower jaw, which results in a space between the inner and outer surfaces
Definition of ear carriage
The combined visual effects of ear placement and position on the skull, together with the use of the ear
Describe a bat ear
An erect ear that is broad at the base, rounded at the top, and with the opening directed to the front
Describe a button ear
The ear flap folds forward, with the tip lying close to the skull so as to cover the opening
Describe a drop ear
Ears in which the ear leather is folded at least to some degree and hanging down
Describe a prick ear
An erect ear carriage that is usually pointed at the top
Describe a rose ear
A small drop ear the folds over and back so as to reveal the burr
Describe a semiprick ear
Ears that are carried erect with just the tips leaning forward
Describe an almond eye
Eye that has on elongated eye shape and is shaped like an almond
Describe an oval eye
Where the eyelid opening appears longer than higher, with the contours and corners gently rounded
Describe a round eye
Set in a circular-shaped opening
Describe a triangular eye
An eye that looks like three-cornered,
Name the types of tails (13 total)
Crank, curled, double curled, gay, otter, plume, ring, saber, screw, sickle, snap, squirrel, whip
Name the toplines (also called backlines)
Camel back-an arched back
hollow back-has a dip or concave curvature
level back-when height of withers is the same as the height over the loins
roach back-convex curvature of the back
saddle back-back that is too long, with a dip or concave curvature behind the withers
Name the types of feet
Cat foot, Hare foot, flat foot, splay foot, oval foot, webbed feet
Describe cat foot
A round, compact foot with short digital bones and well-arched toes that are tightly bunched together
Describe hare foot
Has two center digits that are noticeably longer than the inside and outside toes of the foot
Describe an oval foot
spoon-shaped, with both center toes longer than cat feet but shorter than hare feet
Describe webbed feet
connected by a membrane and are important for water-retrieving breeds or work in the snow
Describe flat feet
have straight or flat toes when viewed from the side
Describe splay foot
flat foot with toes spreading out
What is a dog’s forequarters?
The combined front assembly starting at the shoulder, and then moving down the front leg to the upper arm, lower arm, pastern, ending at the forefoot.
What is forequarter angulation?
the angle formed by the shoulder blade meeting the upper arm
Name the 3 types of forequarters
Straight front, down in pastern, knuckled over
Types of front legs
Normal(straight), Fiddle front with east-west feet, narrow in front with east-west feet, wide in front and out in elbows
What is a dog’s hindquarters?
the rear assembly of the dog starting at the pelvic girdle, moving down the hind leg to the upper thigh, stifle joint, patella, lower thigh, hock joint, hock, and rear foot
Name the types of hindquarters
Normal angulated hindquarter, straight stifles
Name the types of rear legs
slightly narrow, bandy or wide, cow-hocked, correct(straight-normal)