Configure Web App Settings Flashcards
What are some key features of app settings
- values in app settings override the ones in Web.config or appsettings,json for ASP.NET and .NET Core projects
- the code uses dev settings when debugging locally and prod secrets when deployed to azure
- encrypted at rest
- some settings locked behind higher price tiers
- can be edited in bulk on the portal by clicking the advanced button, bringing up a JSON file you can edit
What are app settings?
- vars passed as env vars to the application code in app service
- For Linux app service uses the –env flag to pass values to the containers
- can be found in app management page on the portal by selecting configuration -> app settings
What are some examples of general settings
- Stack (software stack to run the app such as Python, .NET etc)
- platform; lets you config settings for hosting platform (32/64 bit, websocket protocol, always on, HTTP version etc)
- Debugging; remote debugging settings
- incoming client certificates
What are handler mappings?
- let you add custom script processes to handle requests for specific file extensions
How are handler mappings configured?
- extension; the file extension you want to handle such as *.php
- script processor; the absolute path of the script processor, requests to files that match the file extension are handled by this
- argument; optional cmd args for the script processor
Where is code deployed by default?
To the root path (/) AKA D:\home\site\wwwroot
What are Azure Storage Mounts?
- custom storage for containerised apps (including Linux)
- configured with Name, options, storage accounts, storage type, container, share name, accessed key and mount path
What types of logging are provided by app service?
- Application; for windows and Linux, logs messages generated by app code
- Web server; for windows, raw HTTP request data
- detailed error logging; for windows, copies of the .HTML error pages
- failed request tracing; for windows, detailed tracing info on failed requests
- deployment logging; for windows and linux, helps determine why a deployment failed
How can app logging be turned on?
- Turned on in the portal
- you can select filesystem, blob or both
- filesystem is for temp debugging purposes and turns itself off after 12 hours
- blob is for long term logging but needs a container to write to
What are the levels of logging
What is log streaming?
- Logs can be streamed in real time
- These logs are stored within d:/home/logfiles
- to stream logs in the portal navigate to your app and select log stream
How is a cert stored in app service?
- a cert uploaded into an app is stored in a deployment unit that is bound to the app service plans resource group and region combination
- this makes it accessible to other apps within the same region/plan combination
What are the options for creating cerrts in app service?
- Create free app servcice managed cert
- purchase an app service cert
- import a cert from key vault
- upload a private cert
- upload a public cert
What criteria must a custom cert meet?
It must;
- be exported as a password-protected file (PFX), encrypted using triple DES
- contain private key at least 2048 bits long
- contain all intermediate certs in the cert chain
What criteria must a custom cert meet to secure a custom domain in a TLS binding?
- App service must be in basic, standard, premium or isolated tier
- contain an extended key usage for server auth
- be signed by a trusted cert authority
Describe the free cert azure app service offers?
- turn key solution
- fully managed
- constantly renewed automatically in 6-month increments 45 days before expiry
Downside of free cert provided by app service?
- doesnt support wildcard certs
- doesnt support usage as a client cert by using cert thumbprint
- doesnt support private DNS
- isn’t exportable
- isn’t supported in App Service Environment
- Only supports alhpanumeric chars, dashes and dots
What does Azure provide if you buy an Azure Cert
- Takes care of purchase process from cert provider
- performs domain verification of the cert
- maintains the cert in key vault
- manages cert renewal
- synchronized the cert automatically with the imported copies in the app service
What can you do if you already have a working app service cert?
- import it into app service
- manage the cert such as renew, rekey, and export