Configure a Network Operating System Flashcards
A type of train/release which introduces new features and fixes defects. Provides support for new hardware.
T (Technology) Train/Release
A type of train/release which supports high-end backbone routing, and fixes defects.
S Train/Release
Configuration that affects the whole device
Prerequisite for other config modes
Prompt is <hostname> + “(config)#”</hostname>
Global configuration mode
Complete rebuild of Cisco IOS; used for high-end carrier-grade routers
Cisco IOS-XR
displays configured routing protocols
show ip protocols
What is the compression format code when the image is compressed in mzip format?
A component of the ROM that is the second utility in booting sequence. It controls the search and load process of IOS. It is responsible for bringing up the router, finding IOS on all possible locations and loading it in RAM.
What is the memory location code when the image runs from Flash memory?
What are the main processor parts of a Cisco Router?
- ROM - Read Only Memory
- Flash Memory
- NVRAM - Non-Volatile RAM
- RAM - Random Access Memory
What part of a Cisco IOS filename is C3725 in C3725-entbase-mz.124-6.t.bin ?
What part of a Cisco IOS filename is 6 in C3725-entbase-mz.124-6.t.bin ?
Individual Release
Improved version of Cisco IOS
Cisco IOS-XE
Used on most Cisco devices; monolithic kernel
Cisco IOS
displays running configuration
show running-config
A type of train/release that is designed for at core and data center networks, enterprise campus, and service provider edge networks that require world-class IP and MPLS services. Supports high-end Ethernet LAN switching for access, distribution, core, and data center networks.
SX Train/Release
What part of a Cisco IOS filename is 124 in C3725-entbase-mz.124-6.t.bin ?
Maintenance Release
displays interface details
show interface [interface name]
What part of a Cisco IOS filename is T in C3725-entbase-mz.124-6.t.bin ?
Train Designator
A type of train/release which targets at SP edge networks. Supports broadband and leased-line aggregation, and MPLS Provider Edge (PE).
SB Train/Release
It finishes a partial command
What part of a Cisco IOS filename is z in C3725-entbase-mz.124-6.t.bin ?
Compression Format
displays the available flash memory
show flash
What is the memory location code when the image runs from ROM?
Permanent memory used by the Router to store:
- The “Power-On Self Test” or POST
- The Bootstrap Startup Program
ROM - Read Only Memory
It is a security feature the Cisco IOS software separates sessions into two access levels which are?
User EXEC mode and Privileged EXEC mode
displays the version of the device and IOS
show version
A component of the ROM that is a portable IOS program that allows us to perform various diagnostic tests. This program is also used for password recovery procedure.
What part of a Cisco IOS filename is entbase in C3725-entbase-mz.124-6.t.bin ?
Feature Set
A type of train/release which supports broadband features and fixes defects.
B Train/Release
It is the “heart” of Cisco devices including routers and switches
Internetwork Operating System (CISCO IOS)
Command that lists all available commands
Command that returns to Privileged mode
Ctrl+Z or type “end”
An Electronically Erasable and Re-Programmable memory chip which retains data even when power is lost.
A permanent storage for Cisco IOS (Compressed Version)
Flash Memory
displays all available interfaces, ip address assigned and interface status
show ip interface brief
It saves configuration
copy running-config startup-config
A component of the ROM that is a fallback utility that contains a stripped down version of IOS. This is used in critical situations where IOS image in flash is not found. It contains only IP code that allows you to load IOS from other resources such as TFTP Server.
Limited examination of a switch / router
Prompt is <hostname> + “>”</hostname>
User-exec mode
A type of train/release which targets at high-end SP Carrier Ethernet, Broadband Aggregation and Subscriber Services, Metro Ethernet, and MPLS Provider Edge (PE) networks.
SR Train/Release
What are the components the ROM stores?
POST ( Power on self test )
Bootstrap program
Mini IOS
A type of train/release which supports mid-range and low-end Ethernet LAN switching for Enterprise access and distribution networks, as well as mid-range 12.2SE, 12.2SG. and low-end SP Metro Ethernet networks.
SE, SG Train/Release
It stores the Router’s “Startup Configuration File” and retains data even when power is lost
NVRAM - Non-Volatile RAM
It is a proprietary kernel that provides routing, switching, internetworking, and telecommunications features.
Internetwork Operating System (CISCO IOS)
It is similar to computer memory chips. Loses all its data when rebooted or powered off, and this is where the IOS resides when the device is running
RAM - Random Access Memory
A type of train/release which consolidates releases and fixes defects. Inherits features from previous generation T train, and does not add additional features.
Mainline Train/Release
A component of the ROM that is a low level diagnostic utility that performs various tests on hardware components. It verifies that all necessary components are present and operational.
POST ( Power on self test )
It uses a hierarchical structure which requires entry into different modes to accomplish particular tasks.
Cisco command-line interface (CLI)
What is the memory location code when the image is relocated?
l (small L)
What is the compression format code when the image is compressed in zip format?
What is the memory location code when the image runs from RAM?
Detailed examination of a switch / router
Debugging / Administration / Prerequisite for other config modes
Prompts is <hostname> + “#”</hostname>
Privilege-exec mode
A type of train/release which targets at enterprise core and SP edge networks. Supports advanced QoS, voice, security, and fixes defects.
E Train/Release
What part of a Cisco IOS filename is m in C3725-entbase-mz.124-6.t.bin ?
Memory Location
Per interface configuration
Prompt is <hostname> + ”(config-if)#”</hostname>
Interface mode
displays serial number for the device’s components
show diagnostic