Conducting II Final Exam Flashcards
What is a PREPARATORY BEAT? What does it show, and how is it achieved?
- It is the beat before the down beat
- it shows time and style
- it is achieved by the rebound from the previous beat
Gesture of syncopation
It is a gesture to control a response after the beat instead of on the beat
Type of fermatas
- full stop: full cot off and re-ignition
- Half stop: cut of but still reestablish time
- Continuous: no release
Define the SCORE TYPES:
- Condensed
- Full
- Transposed
- C Score
- French
- Open
- Condensed: It is where the score is cut in half and there will be parts that share a staff. very common in vocal scores
- Full: Separate parts on separate staves
- Transposed: It is where the transposed instruments are written as what they play
- C Score: It is where the score is not transposed, and everything is “related” to C
- French: It is where all parts on one staff, and the instruments will be written above the staff of who will be playing.
- Open: where each part has a staff to itself
Advantages of SCORE TYPES:
- Condensed
- Full
- Transposed
- C Score
- French
- Open
- Condensed: Easier to see which part/instrument has the melody or moving line
- Full: easier to see the moving lines
- Transposed: Don’t have to worry about transposing for instruments other than C
- C Score: Easier to evaluate the score, and analyze the chords
- French: Less page turns
- Open: You can see each part very clearly
Disadvantages SCORE TYPES:
- Condensed
- Full
- Transposed
- C Score
- French
- Open
- Condensed: Sometimes difficult to see who has the melody
- Full: hard to follow every line
- Transposed: hard to analyze the score
- C Score: you will have to transpose instruments
- French: Hard to tell which instrument is playing what
- Open: you will want to follow one staff and you may forget the other parts
Score order for Orchestra
- Flutes; oboe; bassoon; clarinet; bass clarinet
- Horn; Trumpet; Trombone; Tuba
- percussion
- Viola; violin; cello; bass
Score order for Wind Band
- Flutes; oboe; bassoon; clarinet; bass clarinet
- Horn; Trumpet; Trombone; Tuba
- percussion
Score order for Jazz Band
Saxophone; Trumpet; Trombone; bass trombone
Score order for Choir
Soprano; alto; tenor; bass
Ad Lib (or a piacere)
at pleasure, at will
a due(2)
two part
alla breve
cut time
animato or con anima
lively; ANIMATED
With passion
much; very
continue w/out pause
great technical skill
solo often found at the end of movement or piece
the close of a melodic or harmonic phrase
quieting down
in singing style