Conditions treated with NFB Flashcards
Understand the qEEG of neurofeedback treatable conditions
High anterior theta microvolts
High theta-to-beta ratios, especially in frontal lobes and cingulate gyrus
High dorsal beta microvolts, with possible comorbid anxiety
Beta spindles
High Z-scores that include frontal lobes
Theta/beta ratio elevated above 1
Low voltage EEG
Frontal theta and/or delta elevations
dysregulation in:
- Parietal lobe
- Temporal lobe(theta and/or beta
Delays in:
- Attention/vigilance
- Reaction time variance
- Information processing
[ Visual (poor) processing and/or inattention]
High/low Z-scores or power in visual cortex and nearby sites
Especially O1, also O2, P3, P4, Pz, T5, and T6
Alpha deficit
Frontal beta elevations
Frontal, parietal, and/or global hi-alpha
High alpha peak frequency
Elevated EO/EC alpha ratio
dysregulation in:
-Primary Somatosensory Cortex
-Anterior Cingulate
RH beta microvolts greater than LH beta microvolts
Diffuse hi-beta microvolts
Beta spindles
Diffuse weak alpha (microvolts) combined with strong beta (microvolts)
High beta microvolts or sometimes theta (microvolts) in cingulate gyrus or near T4
High posterior alpha 2 (microvolts)
Left frontal beta elevations
Frontal and/or temporal lo-alpha
Temporal theta, beta elevations
Alpha asymmetry
dysregulation in:
-Temporal lobe
-Anterior Cingulate
LH alpha (microvolts) greater than RH alpha (microvolts)
LH theta (microvolts) greater than RH theta (microvolts)
High anterior theta microvolts or high alpha microvolts
High dorsal beta microvolts, with possible comorbid anxiety
Hypercoherence that includes the frontal poles (Fp1 and Fp2)
Seldom: RH prefrontal high theta microvolts
Global beta and hi-beta elevations
Global and/or central SMR elevations
Excessive slow wave activity
Delays in:
-P300 values
-Behavioral motor test
High/low SMR microvolts in sensorimotor cortex, especially C4
High posterior alpha 2 microvolts or beta microvolts
Diffuse high beta microvolts
Beta spindle
Excessive temporal beta and hi-beta
High alpha peak frequencies
Significant elevations and
deficits in headmaps.
Significant temporal hi-beta elevations
Elevated EO and EC alpha peak
frequencies and alpha asymmetry
Very high delta and theta
Delays in:
-Visual processing = visual
-Auditory processing = auditory
Executive Dysregulation
Frontal lobe dysregulation
-Slow waves
-Alpha deficit
-Beta elevations
Cz delta elevations
Cognitive dysregulation
Frontal lobe dysregulation
Cz delta elevations
Delays in:
-P300a and/or P300b
-Reaction time variance
Fronto-central theta elevations
Fz-Cz theta and/or beta elevations
dysregulation in:
-Inferior frontal gyrus
Especially hyper- (seldom hypo-) coherence that includes the prefrontal cortex
Prefrontal high beta microvolts
High beta microvolts, especially on or near the cingulate gyrus (Fz, Cz, Pz)
High Z-scores near the cingulate gyrus (Fz, Cz, Pz) or the prefrontal cortex
A few OCD presentations include hi-theta power
Perfectionism: obsessions and rigid thinking
High beta microvolts, especially on or near the cingulate gyrus (Fz, Cz, Pz)
Localized elevations in headmaps
low alpha peak frequency
localized elevation in slow waves
Delays in:
-P300 values
-Reaction time variance
Cognitive Decline
Fronto-temporal theta elevations
Central and temporal beta elevations
Low global powered EEG
dysregulation in:
-Inferior frontal gyrus
Delays in:
-Reaction time variance
-Missed and/or wrong responses
-P300 values
Dyslexia/Learning Disorders
Coherence deficits in central-parietal
in 8.5Hz
Delayed visuo-spatial attention in
Elevated coherence btw L and R
parietal sites controlling R visual field
Learning disorders: verbal
Hyper-and especially hypocoherence within F7, F3, T3, C3, P3, and T5
High/low power in LH within F7, F3, T3, C3, P3, and T5
Learning disorders: math or reading
Hyper-and especially hypocoherence that includes P3, P4, O1, T5, and T6
High/low power in LH, especially P3, P4, O1, T5, and T6
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Alpha deficit
Temporal theta elevations
Beta elevations
Anterior cingulate bursts
Low alpha peak frequency
Substance Use
Low delta, theta and/or alpha
Benzo’s - Increase beta/hi-beta For
individual reference: Gunkelmann
Drug Exposure Sheet