Conditions of the hand Flashcards
What is Dupuytren’s disease- and describe the process of the disease
a benign fibromatosis of the palmar and digital fascia of the hand which develops in the palmar ligaments
It ofen starts with palpable mass in the palm at the level of the sital palmar crease. As it enlarges it forms cords that extend distally and proximally. As they thicken and shorten they cause flexion contractures of the joint
What fingers are most commonly involved in dupuytrens
4th and 5th though all can be involved including the thumb
What conditions are more associated with dyputren’s
- diabetes
- alcoholism
- epilepsy
- smoking
- AIDs
- vascular disorders
what is a ganglion cyst
they are synovial cysts that arise from the synovial lining of either a joint or a tendon sheath.
What are main factors to look for when dianosing a ganglion
a mass that is typically non tender
cosmettically or functionally bothersom
sometimes correlated with antecedent trauma or repetitive microtrauma but often there is no clear cause
well circumscribed lesion with smooth orders and is sometimes multilobuled
if large enough transillumation is diagnostic
what is treatment for a dorsal ganglion
aspiration +- corticosteroid (60-85% cure rate)
surgical excision
What imaging do you need on the hand to assess fracture
tubular skeleton of the hand requires three radiographic views (AP, lateral, and oblique) to accurately assess the position and integrity of these small skeltal untils. Fractures involving a single digit must have at lease anteroposterior and true lateral views of the individual digit.
what other imaging should you get for fractures of the forearm and humerus
radiographs of the joints prox and distal
What is an Essex- Lopresti fracture
radial neck fracture about the elbow with distal radioulnar joint disrpution and possible interosseous membrane injury
what are diaphyseal, metaphyseal or articular fractures
diaphyseal - midportion of the bone
metaphyseal - within the area of the bony flare close to articular surface
- articular when engages with joint surface
what can increase risk of degnerative joint disease post distal radius fractures
increased step off makes it harder for bone to remodel
2mm step off or greater led to DJD in 91% of patients
Though this is not linked to decreased function
Hoe fo you assess rotational deformities
difficult to assess on plain radiogrph
metacarpal or phalangeal fractures are best assessed clinically by asking the patient to simultaneously flex all of the digits. If there is significant overlap then corrective open reduction should be considered
What is a boutoninerre’s deformity and explain why it occurs
Rupture of the central slip
Lateral bands then move volarly and thus cause hyperextension of the DIP, F at PIP and MCP E
What is a swan neck deformity and explain why it occurs
Posterior displacement of the lateral band due to triangular ligament disruption
results in F of DIP, HEP PIP, F of MCP (but this can be mostly negligible)
Explain the extensor mechanism of the hand
Google image and see
What direction do metacrapal fractures angulate and why
dorally due to the unbalanced pull of the interosseous muscles and extrinsic finger flexors on the distal fragment
happens after 30 degs of MC dorsal angulation
intrinsiv muscle shortening and altered muscle tension dynamics lad to increasing grip weakness. There may also be loss of knuckle contours, pseudoclaw and a palpable of visible MC angular deformity on the dorsum of the hand
why are the 4th and 5th MC more tolerant to dorsal angulation
due to increased carpometacarpal flexibility (satisfactory results have been reported with as much as 70 degs of subcapital MC fractures)
approx how mcuh extensor leg may develop for each 2mm of MC shortening
approx 7 degs