Conditions of the Breasts and Axilla Flashcards
What age group is most susceptible to breast cancer?
What are the risk factors for developing breast cancer?
Increasing Age
Nulliparity, first pregnancy over the age of 30, menarche< 12 years, menopause >55
Family hx of breast cancer ( greater if relative was first degree and menopause)
Obesity, high-fat diet, sedentary lifestyle
BRCA 1/2 gene mutation
>5 year hormone replacement, > 10 year oral contraceptive pill
Excessive Alcohol use; 2-3 servings per day
What are the major types of breast cancer?
Ductal Carcinoma in Situ: cannot penetrate basement membrane; non-palpable, mammogram
Lobular Carcinoma in Situ: completely contained within breast lobule, rubbery and ill defined, non-palpable, mammogram
Inflammatory Carcinoma: Ductal Carcinoma that invades into dermal lymphatics, most aggressive
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of the Breast: infiltrates thoracic fascia to become fixed to chest wall; cooper ligaments
Invasive Lobular Carcinoma
Paget’s disease of the nipple
Inflammatory breast cancer IBC
What are the early signs of breast cancer?
Unilateral, solitary, firm to hand, fixed and non-tender lump in the breast
What are the later signs of breast cancer?
Erythema over the area
Local edema in breast and/or arm
Fixation of the part of the breast to chest wall
LAO: Left Anterior Oblique
Skin or nipple retraction/inversion
Orange Peel Skin
Nipple Discharge
How is breast cancer diagnosed?
Biopsy of suspicious breast lesion
What is the DDX for breast cancer?
Fibroadenoma, fat necrosis, fibrocystic breast changes, intraductal papilloma, Paget’s disease of the nipple
What carbohydrate antigen is associated with breast cancer?
CA 27-29
What is the most common benign breast tumor in women?
What does a fibroadenoma feel like?
Non-tender, firm, smooth, rubbery, mobile, well-circumscribed
How is fibroadenoma diagnosed?
Core or excisional biopsy
Does having a fibroadenoma increase your risk for breast cancer?
Yes, 1.5-2 times more likely
What are the possible risk factors for fibrocystic breast?
Women of reproductive age: mostly age 25 through menopause
Hormone imbalance: estrogen dominance
Methylxanthine use: Coffee, tea, and chocolate
High or low iodine in the diet
What are signs and symptoms of fibrocystic breasts?
1) Generalized premenstrual breast tenderness and lumpiness
2) Often Bilateral
3) Multiple nodules and palpable lumps
4) Monthly increase in breast pain or lumpiness from mid-cycle (ovulation) to just before period
5) May regress during pregnancy
6) Symptoms improve with onset of menses
How are fibrocystic breasts diagnosed?
Clinical breast exam on physical exam; followed by ultrasound and/or mammogram, biopsy if necessary
Ultrasound distinguish the difference between fluid-filled cyst and solid masses