Conditions Flashcards
Take listed damage at the beginning of turn.
??: also when hit?
Can stop with DC 15 Heal check or any spell that cures hp.
??: potions?
–2 and no Dex to AC.
–4 Str/Dex skill checks and opposed Perception.
Autofail vision checks/activities.
Opponents have total concealment (50%).
DC 10 Acrobatics check to move faster than half speed or fall prone.
??:allies don’t have total concealment?
Item that has taken > half hp dmg; worth 75% of normal value
Repair: magic [mending or make whole cast by char with CL = or > than item’s.] non-magical [as magic, or w/ appropriate Craft skill (DC 20 Craft check + 1 hr per point of dmg); most craftspeople charge 10% cost to repair.
Weapon: –2 atk and dmg; can only crit on 20, only x2 on confirmed crit.
Armor/shield: half AC bonus, double armor check penalty
Tool needed for skill: –2 penalty
??: are there needed tools that also provide bonuses, and do they still provide them? or do they lose them and –2?
Wand/staff: uses twice as many charges
All creatures are enemies; casting a beneficial spell that requires touch on a confused creature requires a successful melee touch attack. If attacked, confused creature attacks the last creature that attacked it until latter is dead or out of sight.
1–25 Act normally
26–50 do nothing (babble)
51–75 Deal 1d8 points of damage + Str mod to self with item in hand
76–100 Attack nearest creature (not familiar)
*If can’t do action, does nothing; no attacks of opportunity unless already attacking that creature
No actions, –2 and no Dex to AC.
No actions [no penalty to AC]. Usually 1 round.
–1 atk and sight-based Perception
negative hp = Con score,
Con score = 0, or
death effect.
Soul leaves body, can’t be healed, decomposes normally but restorations bring body back to new.
–4 Init and opposed Perception.
Autofail sound-based Perception.
20% chance of spell failure when casting with verbal component
0 hp
negative hp + stable + conscious.
[[or if negative levels = HD]]
Single move or standard action
Can take swift/immediate/free.
Move at half speed
Standard or other strenuous actions (not move) deals 1 point of damage after act.
Unless action increased hp, creature now negative hp and dying
Disabled with negative hp recovers hp naturally if being helped. Otherwise, 1/day: DC 10 Con check (penatly = negative hit points) after 8 hr rest to begin recovering naturally; fail = lose hp (but not lose consciousness); succeed = heal naturally, no danger of losing hp naturally.
unconscious, negative hp and not stabilized.
no actions
on next turn and thereafter, DC 10 Con check to become stable (penalty = negative hp).
success = stable and don’t need to check, fail = lose 1 hp.
Natural 20 is auto success.
Energy drained
negative levels. if as many negative levels as Hp, dead.
impede movement; prevents if anchored/tethered.
Half speed, can’t run/charge.
–2 atk
–4 dex
cast spell = DC 15 + spell level concentration check or lose spell
half speed, can’t run/charge.
–6 Str and Dex.
1 hour of rest = fatigued.
Fatigue + fatigue = exhausted.
entranced by Su or Sp.
no actions, stand or sit quietly.
–4 skill checks as reactions
potential threat allows new saving throw, obvious threat automatically ends effect.
ally can shake fascinated character free as standard action