Conditions Flashcards
Why do you get a BBB?
Impaired electrical activity in the heart
What lead do you look at to identify heart block?
The last lead
What type of heart block has no association between the P wave and QRS?
Third degree heart block
How would you work out if you have a Mobits 1 or Mobits 2 Heart block? (Type 2 heart block)
In Mobits 1 there is a progressive delay in the P wave and QRS complex and a constant delay in type 2
What is a normal PR interval?
3-5 small boxes (60-100bpm)
What is meant by drop beats?
Some of the QRS’s are missing after the p wave
What is lead aVR assessing?
Right arm to left arm
A normal ECG’s QRS complex is ?
How can you assess an irregular rhythm strip?
Count the amount of QRS intervals in the bottom lead and multiply by 6
Narrow QRS tachycardia’s either have a regulaar or irregular rhythm. What are the three types of regular rhythms?
- Sinus tachycardia
- Atrial flutter
- Supraventricular tachycardia
How would you treat ventriuclar tachycardia?
How would you treat ventricular fibrillation?
What are the three types of wide QRS tachycardia’s?
- Ventricular tachycardia
- Torsade de points
- Ventricular fibrillation
What is ventricular tachycardia ? What would you expect to see on ECG? (3 things)
An arrhythmia where the electrical activity in the ventricles undergoes rapid depolarisation. Commonly due to scarring of the ventricles.
- Rapid, monomorphic regular broad QRS complex(>120ms)
- Absent P wave
- T waves difficult to identify
- There will be a return to sinus rhythm
What is Ventricular fibrillation and what would you expect to see on ECG?
An irregular broad complex tachycardia.
- Chaotic heart rhythm