Conditionnal Flashcards
Je me serais endormi
I would have fallen asleep
Vous n’auriez pas eu
You wouldn’t have had
Tu serais devenu
You would have become
Il ne serait pas allé
He wouldn t have gone
Le pompier aurait dû eteindre le feu
The firefighter should have put out the fire
Le conducteur aurait pu se tuer
The driver could have killed himself
Tu aurais pu te blesser
You could have hurt yourself
Elle n’aurait pas pu se rechauffer
She couldn t have warmed up
Il n aurait pas du monter dans l’arbre
He shouldn t have climbed the tree
Cette eau n aurait pas du etre bu
This water shouldn t have been drunk
Cet animal aurait du etre tué
This animal should have been killed
Le fermier n aurais jamais pu sortir son tracteur
The farmer would never have been able to get his tractor out
elle lui aurait dit d’aller la voir
she would have told him to go see her
J’aurais vu
i would have seen
tu aurais pu faire
you could have done
il aurait dû perdre
he should have lost
nous aurions mangé
we would have eaten
ils auraient pu venir
they could have come
J’aurais dû écrire
i should have written
tu aurais réparé
you would have fixed
il aurait pu renverser la bouteille
he could have spilled the bottle
nous aurions dû grimper
we should have climbed
ils seraient parti
they would have left
j’aurais pu être
i could have been
tu aurais dû conduire ta voiture
you should have driven your car
elle aurait pu m’attendre
she could have waited for me
nous aurions couru toute la nuit
we would have run all night
vous auriez dû faire du vélo
you should have ridden a bike
ils auraient pu nettoyer la maison
they could have cleaned the house
j’aurais cassé cet outil
i would have broken this tool
tu aurais dû mentir
you should have lied
je n’aurais pas dépensé
i wouldn t have spent
tu devrais aller les voir
you should go see them
ils n’auraient pas pu avancer
they couldn t have moved foward
nous aurions pris ce taxi si elle était là
we would have taken this taxi if she were there
il n’aurait pas mangé son repas avant demain
he wouldn t have eaten his meal until tomorrow
j’aurais dû partir avant qu’il n’arrive
i should have left before he arrived
elle aurait pu nettoyer sa voiture
she could have cleaned her car
il aurait dormi
he would have slept
ça ne m’aurais pas déranger
it wouldn t have bothered me
nous n’aurions pas dû travailler ce weekend
we shouldn t have worked this weekend
ils auraient été engagés par cette compagnie
they would have been hired by this company
j’aurais pu comprendre la situation
i could have understood the situation
elle aurait dû apporter son maillot de bain
she should have brought her swimsuit
il n’aurait pas pu partir en vacance
he couldn t have gone on vacation
j’aurais pêché avant le coucher du soleil
i would have fished before sunset
nous aurions dû lui rendre visite
we should have visited him
tu aurais pu sortir les poubelles
you could have taken out the trash
ils auraient dû demander la clé
they should have asked for the key
il aurait aimé voir ce spectacle
he would have liked to see this show
nous aurions voulu prendre une biere
we would have liked to have a beer
j’aurais dû m’habiller ce matin
i should have gotten dressed this morning
tu aurais toujours été là
you would have always been there
il n’aurait jamais entendu
he would never have heard
elle n’aurait jamais voulu
she would never have wanted
elle n’aurait jamais pu
she could never have
elle n’aurait jamais dû
she should never have
il ne serait jamais allé
he would never have gone
elle aurait dû ouvrir
she should have opened
tu n’aurais jamais pu entrer
you could never have entered