Conditionals Flashcards
Si me hubiese acordado, te habría llamado
If I had remembered, I would have call you
Si ella hubiera perdido su pasaporte, habría ido al Consulado Británico
If she had lost her passport, she would have gone to the British Consulate
Si hubiese llovido ayer, nos habríamos quedado en casa.
If it had rained yesterday, we would have stayed at home
Si la reunión hubiera sido cancelada, me habría ido a casa
If the meeting had been cancelled I would have gone home
La empresa habría ganado más dinero si hubieras trabajado más duro
The company would have made more money if you had worked harder
Habrías conseguido el trabajo si hubieses estudiado ingles seriamente
You would have got the job if you had studied English properly
Lo habría comprado si hubiera tenido dinero conmigo
I would have bought it if I had had some money on me
No me habría acordado si no me lo hubieses contado
I would not have remembered if you had not told me
No habrían ganado si Ronaldo no hubiese estado lesionado
They would not have won if Ronaldo had not been injured
¿Lo habrías comido si hubieras sabido que era carne de caballo?
Would you have eaten it, if you had known it was horse meat?
¿Se habían conocido si no les hubieras presentado?
Would they have known each other if you had not introduced them?
¿Habrías firmado el contrato si hubieras leído la letra pequeña?
Would you’ve signed the contract if you’d read the small print?
Si tuviera más tiempo, lo haría de nuevo
If I had more time, I would do it again
Si viviésemos en Francia hablaríamos Francés
If we lived in France, we would speak French
Si yo trabajara menos, haría más deporte
If I worked less, I would do more sport
Si yo leyera más, tendría un vocabulario más amplio
If I read more, I would have a wider vocabulary
Si ganara más dinero, me compraría un coche más potente
If I earned more money, I would buy a more powerful car.
Yo comería más si tuviera hambre
I would eat more if I were hungry
El coche valdría más si fuera más nuevo
The car would be worth more if it were newer
Ella se sentiría mejor si comiera de forma más sana
She would feel better if she ate healthier
Si no tuviera tantas deudas gastaría más dinero
If I didn’t have so many debts, I would spend more money
Si no les cayeras bien, no te darían un regalo de cumpleaños
If they didn’t like you, they wouldn’t give you a birthday present
Si no estuviera gordo, no haría régimen
If I weren’t fat, I wouldn’t be on a diet
Yo no lo vendería si no necesitara el dinero
I wouldn’t sell it if I didn’t need the money
Él no sería campeón si no fuera el mejor
He wouldn’t be the champion if he weren’t the best
No me lo pondría si no me cupiera
I wouldn’t wear if it didn’t fit me
Ella no tardaría tanto si cogiese el tren
It wouldn’t take so long if she took the train
Si bebieras tres litros de agua al día. ¿Te sentirías mejor?
If you drank three litres of water a day, would you feel better?
Si ella fuese tu mujer. ¿Estarías contento?
If she were your wife would you be happy?
¿Si ganaras la lotería comprarías un yate?
If you won the lottery, would you buy a yatch?
¿Lo utilizarías si tuvieras ordenador?
Would you use it if you had a laptop?
¿Conducirías si estuvieses borracho?
Would you drive if you were drunk?
¿Gritarías si tuvieses miedo?
Would you shout if you were afraid?
Si fuera hombre, me dejaría barba.
If I were a man, I would grow a beard.
No estarías aquí si no fuera por tus padres.
You wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for your parents.
No le gustaría (a ella) si le pasara a ella.
She wouldn’t like it if it happened to her.
¿Te importaría si me quitara las botas?
Would you mind if I took off my boots?
¿(Yo) le caería bien (a ella) si fuera mi jefa?
Would she like me if she were my boss?
¿Qué pensarías si yo desafinara al cantar?
What would you think if I sang out of tune?
¿Qué cambiaríais si de vosotras dependiera?
What would you change if it were up to you?
¿Cuándo se lo dirías a tu jefa, si tuvieras que dimitir?
When would you tell your boss if you had to hand in your notice?
¿Cómo lo harías si dependiera de ti?
How would you do it if it were up to you?
¿Quién nos echaría una mano si estuviéramos en apuros?
Who would help us out if we were in trouble?
¿En qué hotel se habrían alojado, si este no hubiese tenido habitaciones libres?
Which hotel would they have stayed at, if this one hadn’t had any vacancies?
¿Qué tipo de música habrías puesto si hubieras sido tú el responsable?
What kind of music would you have played if you’d been in charge?
¿Dónde habrías pasado la noche si no hubieras dormido en casa?
Where would you have spent the night if you hadn’t slept at home?
¿Dónde habríamos trabajado si no hubiéramos hablado chino?
Where would we have worked if we hadn’t spoken Chinese?
Si hubiésemos tenido tiempo, puede que hubiéramos ido a la playa.
If we had had time, we might have gone to the beach.
Si hubiera ahorrado, me habría ido de vacaciones.
If I had saved my money, I could have gone on holiday.
(Él) no se habría resfriado si la calefacción no hubiera estado tan baja.
He wouldn’t have caught a cold if the heating hadn’t been on so low.
No habríamos sentido nada si no lo hubiéramos tocado.
We wouldn’t have felt anything if we hadn’t touched it.
Si ella no se hubiera caído, no nos habrían mirado.
If she hadn’t fallen over, they wouldn’t have looked at us.