Conditional statements key words Flashcards
These words introduce sufficient conditions, whatever follows these words froms the sufficient side of the conditional statement
All Third graders enjoy a good juice box. Third grade –> juice box
only if
always introduced the necessary condition. whatever word or concept follows “only it” forms the necessary condition of the conditional statement.
examples of “only if”
I will be a bridesmaid only if I dont have to wear pastels.
Bridesdmaid –> –pastels–
only if one is starving is it acceptable to eat a slim jim
slim jim –> starving
only refers to the necessary condition. but unlike “only if”, only does not always immediately precede the necessary condition. To determine the necessary condition, we have to find the referent of only. Whatever “only” refers to is the necessary condition.
Examples of “only”
Only men with erectile dysfunction take viagra
only is referring to men with erectile dysfunction, so this is the necessary condition.
Viagra –> erectile dysfunction
Example 2 of only
the only people who can wear underwear outside their pants are superheroes.
Here, only is referring to superheroes, so this is the necessary condition.
underwear outside of pants –> superhero
If and only if
if and only if introduces a condition that is both sufficient and necessary. if and only if statments can be simplified to state that there are only two possibilities: either both condititons occur, or neither does
if and only if example
Lily will stay home friday night if and only if she is grounded.
Lilly home on friday night grounded
being grounded is sufficient to conclude that lily is home on friday night. however, it is also necessary
logically, they introduce a necessary condition. HOWEVER, to diagram the statements, it is much easier to simply replace these words with the phrase “if not” and the term that follows these words is then negated and forms the sufficient condition. The other term forms the necessary
Unless/Until/Without/Except example
the team cannot win the championship unless he get acquitted.
This reads as “the team cannot win the championship if not he gets acquitted”
–acquitted– –> –championship–
Unless/Until/Without/Except example 2
Until grandpa finds his teeth, he wont be eating lunch
reads as
if not grandpa finds his teeth, he wont be eating lunch.
–find teeth– –> –lunch–
a no statement posits that there is no overlap between two conditions. In conditional statements, the “no” ALWAYS negates the second term
“No” example
No men war perfume
man –> –perfume–
“no” example 2
no eskimo has a good tan
eskimo –> –good tan–