Conditional Statements Flashcards
All Koalas are cute.
K -> C
-C -> -K
If Serena drinks coffee, then she will be alert.
C -> A
-A -> -C
There will be no traffic unless there’s an accident.
-A -> -T
T -> A
Success requires hard work.
S -> HW
-HW -> -S
Allen can’t play basketball if he doesn’t practice.
-P -> -B
B -> P
Landon will buy clubs only if he plays golf.
C -> G
-G -> -C
The roads are slippery when it rains.
R -> S
-S -> -R
Keith doesn’t work in advertising.
K -> -A
A -> -K
Good pals and good food together are sufficient for a good dinner.
GP + GF -> GD
-GD -> -GP or -GF
A dish is not good unless its well seasoned and made with fresh ingredients.
-WS -> -G
G -> WS
-FI -> -G
G -> FI
Unless Beatrice goes to the party, Ryan will not.
-B -> -R
R -> B
Steven and Robert will work for a clothing company if Ian opens a clothing company.
I -> R
-R -> -I
I -> S
-S -> -I