Conditional distribution of returns Flashcards
What do we know about the distribution of returns so far?
Even after allowing for conditional volatility, the distribution is fat tailed.
What does the fat-tailedness of returns imply?
We should not model the innovations using a normal distribution.
Fat tails are a Fact of Life.
True story.
Capturing fat tails: two approaches
- Parametric (eg, standardised student t) 2. Nonparametric (eg, kernel methods)
Standardised student vs normal student
Standardised student is modified to have variance 1
Assessing the goodness of fit
Visual tools:
- QQ plot
- U transformation
Statistical tests
- Pearson Goodness-of-Fit chi-square test
Kernel estimate:
The kernel estimate will always give a better fit in-sample.
It will not necessarily perform better out of sample.
Value at Risk
is the value such that
P(rt < VaRpt) = p
Typical value of p
We express VaR as
- F-1z(p) · σt
D determines the level of the VaR
the dynamics are determined by the variance σt
Hit indicator
Ht = (rt < VaRtp)
If the VaR forecasts are adequate, then
the sequence of Ht should behave as an iid sequence of Bernoulli RVs with probability of hit p
Testing to see if the VaR forecast is adequate:
Use the Unconditional Coverage test
Testing to see if the VaR forecast is adequate, part 2
Use a Dynamic Quantile test
The Unconditional Coverage test
tests to see if the Hit indicator fails a proportion p of the time.
The Dynamic Quantile test
tests to see if you can predict future failures of the Hit indicator by past failures.