Conditional And Future Tense Conjugation Flashcards
Practice conjugation of some irregular verbs in the conditional and future tense
I would have…
You would have…
Informal and formal/plural
Tu aurais…
Vous auriez…
He/She would have…
Il/Elle aurait…
We would have…
Nous aurions…
They would have…
Ils/Elles auraient…
I would be…
Je serais…
You would be…
Informal and formal/plural
Tu serais…
Vous seriez…
He/She would be…
Il/Elle serait…
We would be…
Nous serions…
They would be…
Ils/Elles seraient…
I would do…
Je ferais…
You would do…
Informal and formal/plural
Tu ferais…
Vous feriez…
He/She would do…
Il/Elle ferait…
We would do…
Nous ferions…
They would do…
Ile/Elles feraient…
I would go…
You would go…
Informal and formal/plural
Tu irais…
Vous iriez…
He/She would go…
Il/Elle irait…
We would go…
Nous irions…
They would go…
Ils/Elles iraient…
I would like…
Je voudrais…
You would like…
Informal and firmal/plural
Tu voudrais…
Vous voudriez…
He/She would like…
Il/Elle voudrait…
We would like…
Nous voudrions…
They would like…
Ils/Elles voudraient…
I could…
Je pourrais…
You could…
Informal and formal/plural
Tu pourrais…
Vous pourriez…
He/She could…
Il/Elle pourrait…
We could…
Nous pourrions…
They could…
Ils/Elles pourraient…
I should…
Je devrais…
You should…
2 answers
Tu devrais…
Vous devriez…
He/She should…
Il/Elle devrait…
We should…
Nous devrions…
They should…
Ils/Elles devraient
I would know…
Je saurais…
You would know…
2 answers
Tu saurais…
Vous sauriez…
He/She would know…
Il/Elle saurait…
We would know…
Nous saurions…
They would know…
Ils/Elles sauraient…
I will have…
Je aurai…