Concise - Self Test 6 Flashcards
What are the characteristics of turbulent buffeting as a flow-induced vibration mechanism?
- Broadband, low amplitude random excitation
- Amplitude proportional to flow velocity
- Excitation independent of structural response (no fluid-structure feedback)
- Can be studied with rigid models (forced response)
- Cannot be fully eliminated; managed with extra damping
What are the characteristics of "fluid stiffness" in the context of flow induced vibration?
- Fluid stiffness: fluid force in phase with structure displacement
- Requires only structural deformation, no vibration
- Measurable with rigid, statically displaced models
In the context of flow induced vibration, what is meant by dynamic stability.
- Dynamic stability: small perturbations lead to oscillations with decreasing amplitude
- May involve negative fluid stiffness and higher structural damping
- Net system damping remains positive
What are the characteristics of fluidelastic instability (or aero- or hydro-elastic instability) as a flow-induced vibration mechanism?
- Self-excited structural response; fluid force depends on structural displacement/motion
- Strong feedback path; fluid and structural systems are coupled
- Complex models and testing; must match fluid and structural parameters (damping ratio, natural frequency)
- Onset prediction requires semi-empirical or linearized models
- Limited by non-linear behavior or potential for total failure
In the context of flow induced vibration, what is meant by static divergence or static instability.
- Static divergence: small perturbations cause structural deflection to increase monotonically over time
- Caused by net negative stiffness (positive structural stiffness < negative fluid stiffness)
- Example: torsional divergence of aircraft wings (e.g., Gruman X29)
What are the characteristics of "fluid damping" in the context of flow induced vibration?
- Fluid damping: fluid force out of phase with structure displacement
- Time delays (vorticity transport) or relative velocity changes can cause negative damping
- Negative damping can lead to dynamic instability
What are the characteristics of periodic vortex shedding as a flow-induced vibration mechanism?
- Narrow band, nearly sinusoidal excitation; frequency proportional to flow velocity (Strouhal number)
- Problematic when vortex shedding frequency matches structure’s natural frequency
- Weak feedback causes vortex shedding to lock-on to natural frequency near coincidence
- Response remains a forced response
- Susceptibility can be assessed using rigid models; structural motion not required
In the context of flow induced vibration, what is meant by dynamic instability.
- Dynamic instability: small perturbations lead to vibrations with increasing amplitude
- Caused by negative net damping in at least one vibration mode
- Examples: galloping, classical flutter in single degree of freedom systems