Conciousness Flashcards
Definitions of consciousness
• Definitions are difficult
– the subject experience of the mind and the world around us
– that there is “something it is like” to be in the state of the subjective or first-person point of view
– the state of being aware of and responsive to one’s surroundings
What are the 2 components of consciousness?
- vigilance (awake behaviour, eyes open)
- awareness (level/contents of consciousness)
What are the mechanisms of consciousness?
- The reticular formation (RF) regulates many vital functions. The degree of activity in the reticular system is associated with alertness/levels of consciousness
- RF projects to the hypothalamus, thalamus and the cortex
- Ventral tegmental area (dopaminergic neurones) (midbrain)
- Locus coeruleus (noradrenergic neurones) (pons)
• The location of neurons?
• The number of neurons?
• The dynamics of neuronal activity
-> integration and differentiation
=> there is no single brain region for consciousness.
Neural correlates of consciousness (NCC)
• The minimum neuronal mechanisms jointly sufficient for any one specific conscious experience.
• Primarily localized to a posterior cortical hot zone that includes sensory areas (Koch et al., 2016)
What are some disorders of consciousness?
- coma
- vegetative state (destruction of cortex and hemispheres)
- minimally conscious state
NOT locked-in-syndrome(damage to pons) or brainstem death (irremediable damage to brainstem)
Visual neglect
- there is no problem with vision
- the person no longer perceives half of reality
- higher order problem than visual defect
How is level of arousal monitored with EEG?
- different waves at different levels of arousal
- delta are slowest (e.g. sleep)
- theta 4-8 Hz
- alpha = good, healthy brain around 10Hz
- gamma is higher
- slowing in an eeg is bad (theta or delta)
- loss of alpha rhythm is disease (theta and then delta)
- higher frequency neural oscillations are associated with the creations of conscious contents in the focus of the mind’s eye via thalamiocortical feedback loops.
How can you assess coma / consciousness?
Glasgow Coma scale
3 points = dead
15 points = healthy
-> look at eyes, verbal response and motor response, 1-5 points possible in each.
What are some causes of coma?
– Drug overdose – hypoglycaemia – diabetes
– “the failures”
– hypercalcaemia
Diffuse intracranial – head injury – meningitis – SAH – encephalitis – epilepsy – hypoxic brain injury
Hemisphere lesion – cerebral infarct – cerebral haemorrhage • subdural • extradural – abscess – tumour
Brain stem – brainstem infarct – tumour – abscess – cerebellar haemorrhage – cerebellar infarct