Conceptual Framework of Accounting Flashcards
What is the Conceptual Framework of Accounting
A statement of Generally Accepted accounting Principles created by FASB. It provides the foundation on which statements are prepared
Qualitative Characteristics of Accounting Infor
1) Relevance - must be able to influence decisions
2) Faithful Representation - free from error and neutral
3)Verifiability/ Reliability- can be proven objectively
4) Understandability - can be understood by persons with reasonable knowlegde
5) Timeliness
6) Comparability - most be consistent with methods
Provide a foundation
1) Economic Entity - business is separate from owners
2) Going Concern - a business is assumed to have an indefinite life
3) Monetary Unit - only transactions that can be expressed monetarily are included
4) Periodicity - assumes economic life of a business can be divided into artificial time periods
Rules that indicate reporting for events
1) Historical Cost
2) Revenue Recogntion
3) Matching Principle
4) Full Disclosure - events that make a difference in FS must be disclosed
Allow for relaxation of principles
1) Cost- Benefit - cost of preparing statements should not exceed benefits
2) Industry Practice - sometimes treatment of elements is based on current industry practice
3) Materiality - likelihood for an item to influence decision of prudent investors/creditors
4) Conservatism - choose method least likely to overstate assets/income or understate liabilities/expenses