Conceptual Framework Flashcards
What is a Conceptual Framework?
What: Set of fundmental principles which underpin financial accounting and provide a sound theoretical basis for developing accounting standards.
What is the purpose of the conceptual framework?
1) Assist IASB in development of international standards based on consistent concepts.
2) Assist prepares of financial reports develop consistent accounting policies.
3) Assist all parties to understand the international standards & interpret them.
What are the objectives of general purpose financial reporting?
Provide financial info about a reporting entity that is useful to existing & potential investors, lenders and other creditors in making decisions about the entity
What are the main classes of information that should be presented in general purpose financial reports?
1) Info about the financial position
2) Info about the financial performance
3) Info about the entity’s cash flow
4) Info about equity through financial position and effect from performance
Who are the primary users and their needs?
1) Investors
2) Creditors
3) Suppliers
What are measurement bases and Capital Maintenance?
Measurement bases: Historical cost and Current Value (Fair Value, Value in use, Current Cost)
Explain Qualitative Characteristics of useful information?
Fundamental: Relevance & Faithful Representation
Enhancing: Comparability, Verifiability, Timeliness and Understandability.
Define the 5 elements of financial statments
1) Asset: Present resource, control, past events
2) Liability: Present obligation, transfer of resource, past events
3) Equity: Residual Interest in assets of the entity after deducting all its liabilities.
4) Income: Increase in assets/decrease in liabilities. Increase equity
5) Expense: Decrease assets/ increase in liabilities. Decrease in equity.