Conceptual Framework Flashcards
Purpose of IASB Conceptual Framework?
Assist IASB in developing a consistent concept ensuring that it is coherent as a body
Assist preparers to develop consistent accounting policies where no relevant standard applies or there is a choice of accounting policy
Assist all parties to understand and interpret IFRS
What should we apply when standard and concept clashes?
The standard should be applied when such an event occurs. (Framework underpins but not override the standard).
Benefits of conceptual framework?
Helps to prevent political/business interference in standard setting
Help audit and enforcement of financial reporting (when no relevant standard/multiple standards could apply)
Criticisms of Conceptual framework by brouwer et al (2015)
Inconsistencies exist between standard and framework. e.g. difference in treatment of enacted rates in IAS 12 deferred tax and asset under framework.
Can standards be inconsistent with each other, if so, give example
Standards can be inconsistent with each other, such as IAS 12 vs IAS 36, where measurements of assets differ in discounting treatment.
Ball (2016) argues that its delusional to use a framework for reporting as….
‘The world is complex and untidy, and not organised by a small set of ideas like a conceptual framework.’
Ball (2016) is worries that standard setters will become too comitted into the framework, to the point where….
Solutions that would seem optimal can be blocked due to their inconsistency with the framework.
What is the objective of general purpose financial accounting?
objective is to provide financial information regarding the reporting enity that is useful to users in making decisions relating to the entity. (IASB, 2018)
Who are the users of financial accounts?
existing and potential Investers, lenders, and other creditors
….but not exclusive to
Primary users need information about the resources of the entity to…. (2 points)
Assess entity’s prospects for future net cashflow
assess how effectively management has discharged their responsibility touse the entity’s existing resources (i.e. stewardship).
Stewardship was made more prominent in IASB, 2018 Framework, though welcomed by commentators, pelger (2020) questioned…
the practicality of the prominence, as he argued that it is in name only.
Stewardship is arguably the core reason for financial statements in the first place… however…
commentators questioned whether information required to buy/sell/hold shares is the same as for stewardship decisions (pelger, 2020)
What are the characteristics of useful financial information?
Faithful representation
Relevance definition
Information has the ability to influence economic decisions, is timely and has predictive/confirmatory value.
Relevance takes into account materiality
what is materiality?
Information is considered material if omitting it could influence users’ decisions. (IASB, 2018)
Faithful representation definition
Financial information should be complete, unbiased and free from error.
What is substance over form?
It is the idea that faithful representation mean substance of an economic phenomenon instead of representation of its legal form only
Example of substance over form?
Financial instruments in distinguishing between liability and equity.
Redeemable preference share, though legally deemed as equity. The shares include a promise to pay cash to the holder on redemption - thus in substance they are liabilities.
What is the idea of prudence?
Exercise of caution when making judgements under uncertainty. (IASB, 2018)
Relevance vs faithful representation
tradoff may exist between the two, e.g. most relevant info may be forward looking and uncertain, therefore may compromise faithful representation.
Asymmetric vs cautious prudence example of one?
IAS 12 recognition of DTA vs DTL
DTA needs to be probable, where as no definitive threshold for DTL
Is prudence also inconsistent with the framework?
Ball (2016) suggests that…
Prudence is not consistent with the framework.
E.g. IAS 36 allows for downward revaluations of an asset (impairment). But no upward revaluations.