Concepts (Unit 1-3) Flashcards
Pronunciation (alphabet):
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
ah, beh, seh, deh, euh, ef, ghe, ashe, ee, gjee, kuh, el, em, en, o-, peh, coup/cu, eair, es, teh, euoo, veh, doobluh veh, eex, igrehk, zed
Accent names:
È, É, Ê, Ë, Ç
accent grave, accent aigu, accent circumflex, la tréma, la cédille
m”e”t, h”a”y, replaces s from old french, seperates vowel sounds, keeps c soft when followed by a strong vowel
What letters are silent?
Use of elision (_‘__)
E, H, final consonants
Exceptions: E 2-3 letter word, CaReFuL, k, q, b, s followed by s/vowel
Drops final non-pronounced vowel and adds an apostraphe (next word has to start with an h or vowel ex: je, ne, me, te, que, de, la, le, and with il and ils- si)
1-20, 21, 22, 40, 50, 60, 70, 71, 80, 81, 90, 100, 101, 200
Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix, onze, douze, treize, quartorze, quinze, seize, dix-sept.., vingt, vingt et un, vingt-deux, trente, quarante, cinquante, soixante, soixante-dix, soixante et onze, quatre-vingt, quatre-vingt-un, quatre-vingt-dix, cent, cent un, deux cent
When to use tonic pronouns
7 different reasons to use
What are they?
- emphasize subject (after c’est and ce son’t, repeat subject pronoun)
- To act as subject (implied verb, emphatic term: aussi, non, plus, seul)
- In place of subject/object pronouns connected by conjugation (I was [verb] for neither [tonic pronoun] nor [tonic pronoun])
- in place of direct object, indirect object, or reflexive pronouns (commands)
- After a preposition (as object or indicating possesion)
- After que (comparisions, ne..que)
- With même (for more emphasis)
Moi, toi, lui, elle, soi, nous, vous, eux
Masculine and feminine endings
6 masc., 8 feminine
m: scope, age, eau, isme, ment, phone
(exceptions: la cage, l’image, la page, la plage)
f: ande, ance, ence, ette, sion/tion, té, ure, ie
(exceptions: le silence, le comité, le côté, l’été, le gégie)
Asking questions with quel
Forms of Quel
Quel + être + plural subject possesive adjective + préféré
Ne pas:
pronoun + **ne/n’ **+ verb conjugate + pas
Prepositions of place:
Masc. sing., masc. plural, fem. sing., fem. plural, (cities, island sing., island plural)
Use with what verbs?
Au, aux, en (also used for l’), aux (also used for plural islands, à used for singular islands and cities)
replaces to, in, and at (can also use de/d’, des for islands)
aller, voyager, habiter, travailler, être
Indefinite articles
masc. sing., masc. plural, fem. sing., fem. plural
Replaces le, la, l’ when specifics are not known
un, des, une, des
a/some [____] vs. the
Nationalities (endings): (nationalities are always lowercase)
Irregular endings (m-f), invariable
masc. sing., masc., plural, fem. sing., fem. plural
-ais, -ais, - aise, -aises
-ien, -iens, -ienne, -iennes
-ois, -ois, -oise, -oises
-ain, -ains, -aine, -aine
-en, -ens, -enne, -ennes
allemand(s) - allemande(s), espagnol(s) - espagnole(s), belge, suisse
Contracted articles:
à+le, à+les, à+l’, à+la
de+le, de+les, de l’, de la
àu, aux, à+l’, à+la
du, des, de l’, de la
Negating vs. affirming statements
Sing. aff., plural aff., neg. sing., neg. plural
There is a…, there is not a…
Use with verbs
Il ya un/une, il y a des, il n’y a pas de/d’, il n’y a pas de/d’
Affirmative sing.: un/une, everything else de/des/d’
[pronom] ne [conjugated verb] pas.
Est-ce que, quést-ce que
When to use
When followed by a vowel
Yes/no questions, open ended questions
que - qu’ (ex. qu’il y a)
C’est vs. il/elle est
When to use each
C’est: proper name, determinative+name, tonic pronoun, first time mentioning subject
Il/elle est: adjective, professional name, referencing mentioned subject
Adjectives: Masculine to feminine, Singular to plural
adj. (s to p)
adj.-s/x (s to p)
(masc. forms listed)
adj.-s (p)
adj.-s/x (p)
Adjectives follow noun and agree with gender/number (plurality)
Possesive adjectives:
One subject/one object, one subject/plural objects, plural subjects/one object, plural subjects/plural objects
M 1st p., f 1st p., m 2nd p., f 2nd p., m 3rd p., f 3rd p.
1/1: mon, ma, ton, ta, son, sa
1/P: mes, tes, ses,
P/1: notre, votre, leur
P/P: nos, vos, leurs
If the noun starts with h or vowel use masc. form