Concepts, definitions & terms (and a few models) Flashcards
Communication is a process of conveying information.
Abstract meaning of a word.
Written or spoken communication or debate.
“the language of political/legal/medical discourse”
types: argument, narration, description, and exposition
Communication types
Context • Interpersonal • Intercultural • Corporate or organizational • Mass (public communication) • Marketing (Strategic communication)
Dimension & channel • Verbal & Non-Verbal • Oral & Written • Formal & Informal • Internal & External • One-way vs. Two ways • Digital • Analogue (F2F)
Interpersonal communication
Interpersonal Communications is the process by which people exchange information, feelings, and meaning through verbal and non-verbal messages: it is face-to-face communication.
Effective Communication
- Emotional intelligence (EI)
- Intercultural intelligence (CI)
- Listening
- The process of communication
- Basic communication elements
Listening filters
- Culture
- Language
- Values
- Attitudes
- Expectations
- Intentions
The message creator
The process of putting thoughts into messages through the creation of content and symbols.
Message (from a sender)
The transmitted information.
The process of interpreting and assigning meaning to a message.
Message (for the receiver)
The perceived information.
The medium through which the message passes.
The target of the sender and collector of the message.
Those distractions which interfere with the transmission of the message.
Different Types of noise
- Physical Noise
- Psychological Noise (feelings/mood)
- Semantic Noise (not understanding the meaning of the used words, sentences)
Examples of complex noise
- Having Prejudice
- Having Stereotyping
- Building Assumption
Different types of communication models
Communication models - Action
- Linear
- Transmissional
- One-way communication, no feedback, mass speaking.
- Key element: Noise
• Shannon-Weaver model, Aristotle model, David Berlo‘s SMCR model of communication, Lasswell‘s One-way speech model of communication
Communication models - Interactive
- Loop
- Interactive
- Exchange of ideas and messages taking place both ways from sender to receiver and vice-versa. The communication process take place between humans or machines in both verbal or non-verbal way.
- The key element: feedback
• Schramm’s model
Communication models - Transactive
- Cyclical
- Transactional
- The transactional model shows that the elements in communication are interdependent. Each person in the communication act is both a speaker and a listener, and can be simultaneously sending and receiving messages.
- The key element: field of expertise
• Duck and McMahan, Shannon-Weaver (updated version), Dean Barnlund
The Plan-Write-Completing framework for presentations
Planning • Situation • Information • Medium • Organisation
• Adapt to the audience
• Compose the message
Completing • Revision • Delivery • Preparation • Confidence
Communication process
The seven-part process of transferring and understanding of meaning.
Corporate/organizational communication
A flow of information that happens within organizations and it has got structure, direction and dynamics.
An unofficial channel of communication.
gossip and that kind of stuff
Verbal intonation
An emphasis given to words or phrases that conveys meaning.
Deliberately manipulating information to make it appear more favourable to the receiver.
Selective perception
Selectively perceiving or hearing a communication based on your own needs, motivations, experiences, or other personal characteristics.
Information overload
What results when information exceeds processing capacity.
Technical language specific to a discipline or industry.
Ethical communication
Presented material that contains all relevant information, is true in every sense, and is not deceptive in any way.
A person with an interest or concern in something, especially a business.
Types of organizational communication
Internal & External
Vertical organizational communication flow
Upwards or downwards
Communication flow between employees at different levels at the organization.
Horizontal organizational communication flow
Communication between people working on the same level or having the same status.
Diagonal organizational communication flow
Communication exchange between employees in different departments on different levels.
Key stakeholders
- Creditors
- Directors
- Employees
- Government
- Social & political groups
- Trade & industry associations
- Owners (shareholders)
- Suppliers
- Unions
- Competitors
- Community
Stakeholder matrix
A project management tool used to analyse a project stakeholder to determine the actions which are necessary to align their goals with the project.
Level of interest from low to high
Power from low to high
A – Minimal effort
B – Keep informed
C – Keep satisfied
D – Key players
Intra-organizational communication
Communication within the organization—for example, between different teams, or between levels in the hierarchy.
Interorganizational communication
The structures, forms, and processes created by the exchange of messages and the co‐creation of meaning among organizations and their stakeholders.
Internal communication (IC)
It is the internal - formal/informal exchange of messages between employees and managers.
Communication climate
The tone of the relationship as expressed by the verbal and non-verbal messages between people.
Key elements of IC strategy
- Where is the organization today
- Where is the organization heading?
- How can the organization get there?
- How do you know the organization is there?
Plain English
The use of clear and concise English that avoids unnecessary jargon or complication.
A self-contained unit of a discourse in writing or dealing with a particular point or idea. • Topic Sentence(s) • Supporting sentence(s) • Transitional sentence(s) • Concluding sentence (s)
The ABC-E framework
A – Accurate
Deal only with facts, be exact and double check to avoid mistakes.
B – Brief
Identify your point and stick to it; remember to be concise in your wording and delivery of the message.
C – Clear
Use clear and plain language, avoid wording that is woolly and can be easily misunderstood.
E – Ethical
Consider how the words can construct social realities; craft messages with respect for the self (company), but also for others.
The AIDA framework
Decision / Desire
The journalistic pyramid
The inverted pyramid is a metaphor used by journalists and other writers to illustrate how information should be prioritised and structured.
- The most important information of a story
- Additional information that helps to understand
- Information that is nice to have
Different External communication channels
Digital channels
Analouge channels
Face to face
Crisis communication
The technologies, systems, and protocols that enable an organization to effectively communicate during an emergency situation.
The five crisis communication strategies
- Non-existence Strategy
- Distance strategy
- Suffering strategy
- Acceptance Strategy
- Accommodative Strategy
Crisis type matrix
Different types of crisis, depending on whether the crisis was caused by somebody or something inside or outside the organisation, and on whether the actions causing the crisis were deliberate or not. • Faux pas • Accidents • Transgression • Terrorism
10 steps of crisis communication
• Anticipate crises
• Identify Your Crisis Communications Team
• Identify and Train Spokespersons
(The right skills, The right position, The right training)
• Spokesperson Training
• Establish Notification and Monitoring Systems
• Identify and Know Your Stakeholders
• Develop Holding Statements
• Assess the Crisis Situation
• Finalize and Adapt Key Messages
• Post-Crisis Analysis
The promotion of a particular product or company by means of advertising and distinctive design. (Labelled brand, logo and etc).
Corporate branding model
Brand identity/brand equity is shaped by
• The company’s corporate culture
• Strategic vision
• Image.
Communication plan
A plan of strategically organized actions that lead up to the fulfilment of a set goal/objective.
The ethical appeal means to convince an audience of the author’s credibility or character.
The emotional appeal means to persuade an audience by appealing to their emotions.
The appeal to logic, means to convince an audience by use of logic or reason.
5Ws framework
Framework to plan & analyse organizational marketing communication activities.
Who - Who is the target?
What - What are the objectives?
How - How do we compose the message?
Channel - When and Where?
Media types
Paid, owned and earned.