Concepts & Definitions Flashcards
Define ‘ageing population’.
The median age of the population in a country is increasing.
Define ‘ageism’.
Prejudice towards or discriminating against someone because of their age.
Define a ‘beanpole family’.
Multiple generations of relatives living together.
Define ‘birth rate’.
Number of live births of a population per 1,000 per year.
Define ‘breadwinner’.
The main person who earns money for their household.
Define ‘bourgeoisie’.
The capitalist class who own most of society’s wealth and means of production.
Define ‘cohabitation’.
Two people in a relationship who live together but aren’t married.
Define ‘conjugal roles’.
Roles played by the male/female partner in a relationship.
Define ‘consensus’.
A general agreement.
Define ‘consumption’.
Using up a resource or buying products.
Define ‘consumption as compensation’.
When parents buy toys and other products for their children to compensate for not being there.
Define ‘consumerism’.
The promotion of the interests of consumers.
Define a ‘close knit family’.
One bound together by intimate ties.
Define ‘child-centred’.
Giving priority to the interests/needs of children.
Define ‘children as an economic asset’.
Those who work and give to the economy.
Define ‘children as an economic liability’.
Those who don’t work and rely on their parents to provide for them.
Define ‘conservative party’.
Political party promoting enterprise and private ownership.
Define ‘conservative’.
Holding traditional values, such as favouring private ownership.
Define ‘classic and modified extended family’.
Classic = Several related nuclear families living in the same household. Modified = Relatives who live far away but still keep in contact
Define ‘co-parenting’.
Separated parents who share responsibility and duties for their children.
Define ‘capitalism’.
A system that is based on private ownership of property and businesses, searching to increase profits.
Define ‘creative singlehood’.
Choosing to stay single as a lifestyle choice.
Define a ‘cereal packet family’.
A certain type of nuclear family that people often imagine or that the media represents for advertising.
Define ‘confluent love’.
Relationships that only last as long as the partners find satisfaction.
Define ‘commercialisation of childhood’.
The effects of advertising on children.
Define a ‘civil partnership’.
A legally recognised union of a same-sex couple with rights similar to those of marriage.
Define ‘dysfunctional’.
Something that doesn’t operate normally.
Define ‘domestic labour’.
Working within the employers household, such as a maid.
Define ‘domestic division of labour’.
The separation of chores/roles within the household.
Define ‘demography’.
The study of a changing population.
Define ‘family diversity’.
Having a variety of family types in a society at any one time.
Define ‘death rate’.
The ratio of deaths of the population in a particular area.
Define ‘double/second shift’.
Someone having two work loads, such as a job and being a mother.
Define ‘divorce’.
Legally dissolving a marriage between two people.
Define ‘dual income families’.
When the parents of a family both earn an annual income.
Define ‘dependency ratio’.
Population ratio of those not in labour and those who are.
Define an ‘expressive role’.
The individual (stereotypically a woman) in a family who holds the characteristics such as caring, loving, affectionate.
Define ‘emigration’.
Leaving a country to settle permanently in another.
Define an ‘empty shell marriage’.
One where two spouses continue to live in the same house but as separate individuals due to lack of love.
Define ‘emotion work’.
Management of your own feelings in a conscious effort to maintain a relationship.
Define ‘family’.
A group of people consisting of parents and children.
Define ‘fidelity’.
Being faithful to a partner.
Define ‘fertility rate’.
The number of children who would be born per 1,000 women.
Define a ‘familial ideology’.
A set of beliefs and values about what family life should be like.
Define ‘feminisation of the economy’.
The increasing amount of women found in the work place.
Define ‘family structure’.
The combination of relatives that comprise a family.
Define ‘geographical mobility’.
A measure of how populations move over time.
Define ‘heterosexuality’.
Sexual attraction to the opposite sex.
Define ‘homosexuality’.
Sexual attraction to the same sex.
Define a ‘household’.
A house and its occupants being regarded as one unit.
Define ‘helicopter parents’.
Those who are over-protective or have excessive interest in their child’s life.
Define ‘infant mortality rate’.
Number of deaths of infants under the age of one per 1,000 live births.
Define ‘instrumental role’.
The individual (stereotypically a man) in a family who holds the characteristics such as the breadwinner and the authority figure providing for the family.
Define ‘immigration’.
Moving into a country to settle permanently.
Define ‘industrialisation’.
The development of factories and industries in a country.
Define ‘individualism’.
Being independent and self-reliant.
Define ‘join conjugal roles’.
Couples who share chores and roles equally.
Define ‘kinship’.
Blood relatives.
Define ‘life expectancy’.
The average amount of years a person may live.
Define ‘living apart together’.
Couples that have an intimate relationship whilst living separately.
Define ‘maternal instinct’.
A want to protect and nurture one’s offspring.
Define ‘matrifocal’.
When the mother is the head of the household as it often lacks a father.
Define ‘matriarchal’.
When women are the head of society.
Define ‘modified extended family’.
Several nuclear families who keep in contact.
Define ‘migration’.
Moving from one area to another.
Define ‘monogamy’.
Being in a relationship with one person at a time.
Define ‘new right’.
A modern form of Functionalism concerned with conservative, right wing views.
Define a ‘nuclear family’.
A traditional family consisting of two parents and two children.
Define ‘net migration’.
The ratio of people entering the country (immigrating) to people leaving (emigrating).
Define ‘oppression’.
Prolonged cruel/unjust treatment.
Define a ‘patriarchal ideology’.
The ideas of men dominating women in a society.
Define ‘patriarchy’.
When the male is the head of society.
Define polygamy’.
Having more than one partner at the same time.
Define ‘primary socialisation’.
Learning the norms and values of society through parents.
Define ‘privatised nuclear family’.
A family who have become more isolated from its extended kin.
Define ‘pester power’.
The ability of children to pressure their parents into doing things for them.
Define ‘plastic sexuality’.
One that can be shaped to the individual’s needs.
Define a ‘reconstituted family’.
Two people who married with children from previous relations.
Define a ‘reserve army of labour’.
The unemployed people in a capitalist society.
Define a ‘sandwich generation’.
Bringing up children whilst caring for their relatives at the same time.
Define ‘sexual division of labour’.
Delegating different chores and tasks between males and females accordingly.
Define a ‘symmetrical family’.
The division of labour between the male and female in a house is equal.
Define ‘serial monogamy’.
Engaging in a succession of monogamous relationships.
Define ‘segregated division of labour’.
When men do stereotypically masculine chores (e.g. DIY) and the women do stereotypically feminine chores (e.g. cooking).
Define ‘social construction of childhood’.
When childhood is built around society at the time.
Define ‘stabilisation of adult personalities’.
When adults indulge in childish behaviour and men and women offer mutual support to help each other.
Define ‘single parent family’.
When a family consists of a single parent and children,
Define ‘single person household’.
One person living on their own and providing for themselves.
Define ‘shift parenting’.
When both parents work but at different times so that one of them is there to look after the child.
Define ‘structural differentiation’.
When societies change from simple to complex.
Define ‘triple shift’.
When a parent is responsible for three jobs at a time, such as caring for kids, having a job, and housework.
Define ‘toxic childhood’.
Someone’s childhood being blighted by the environment.
Define ‘tweens’.
A child between the ages of 10-14.
Define ‘underclass’.
A group of people who are unemployed and rely on benefits.
Define the family as a ‘unit of consumption’.
They are an important target market for consumer goods and so capitalists and business owners can make profit on that.
Define ‘Welfare dependency’.
The state at which someone is dependent on Welfare benefits provided by the state.
Define the ‘women’s liberation’.
A feminist movement that brought about things such as maternity leave and equal pay.
Define ‘sexualisation of children’.
Children (especially girls) are becoming more sexually mature earlier.
Define ‘ascribed status’.
A status that has been assigned to someone at birth.
Define ‘achieved status’.
A position someone has earned/chosen in society.
Define ‘role allocation’.
Putting the right people in the right job.
Define ‘meritocracy’.
Those with high merit and ability will do well.
Define ‘equality of opportunity’.
Everyone having the same opportunities and so chance of success.