Concepts chap 14 and 15 questions Flashcards
respecting accepted patterns of communication and refraining from speaking in ways that are disrespectful of a persons cultural beliefs displays ?
cultural sensitivity
nurses must not ? a pt by applying an overall opinion of a cultural group to that individual
different ? of a language reflect regional variations with different pronunciation, grammar, or word meanings
the shared values, beliefs, and practices shared by a majority of a group of people are termed their
a groups ? is the way in which they explain life events and view lives mysteries
world view
a ? identifies common trends, patterns, and beliefs of a group.
? may leave a window open when someone dies so that the soul can leave
pacific islanders
? groups are differentiated by geographic, religious, social, or language differences
many asians/pacific islanders believe that health id dependent on the flow of ?
many asians also believe that the forces of yin and yang must be in balance in order to be in good health
many ? may seek the services of a curandero (folk healer) when ill.
hispanic americans
many ? often show caring by offering food
Arab americans
the distance from each other at which people are comfortable when conversing is called
personal space
food prepared according to ? dietary laws is labeled Kosher
many are vegetarians and avoid pork
seventh day adventist
no prok or alcoholic beverages. all meat must be killed and blessed in a special way before being able to eat it
Kosher - no meat and diary products touching and use of separate utensils
many vegetarian b/c they believe eating meat involves harming a living creature
Hospitalized pts excused from fasting from meat and dairy products on holy days
Eastern Orthodox
what are ways in which you can achieve cultural competence
keep an open mind and try to look at the world through the perspectives of diverse cultures