Concepts and Principles Flashcards
Explain the COST concept
Implies that fixed assets and stock should always be shown at COST PRICE. Serves as a basis for all asset calculations
Explain the GOING CONCERN (Assumed Continuety) concept
- Implies that business will CONTINUE to operate for the foreseeable future
- ASSET values in the balance sheet will assume to continue, shown at original cost
- When a business is SOLD, there is no going concern and asset values will change to selling values.
Explain the BUSINESS ENTITY concept
- SEPERATES the business entity from the owner. Business financial transactions recorded in business
- The owner’s interest is confined to the capital and its adjustments
- Capital
- Profitability
Explain the REALISATION (Recognition) concept
- Important NOT TO SHOW a profit until it has been earned
- Revenue is only received when the legal title of the goods passes from the seller to the buyer, buyer has obligation to pay
- Profit as being earned at a particular point
- Profit is not calculated on the basis of when cash is received or spent
Explain the DUAL ASPECT concept
Assets and its claims against it. The double entry system where there is a DEBIT for every CREDIT
Explain the ACCRUAL (Matching) concept
The income of one period is MATCHED to the cost of the same period and the timing of the cash receipts and payments is ignored. (Accrued and prepaid expenses)
Explain the TIME INTERVAL concept
Final accounts must be prepared at REGULAR intervals. For internal management purposes they are be prepared more frequently
Explain the MATERIALITY concept
Accounting is not serving a useful purpose if the recording of a transaction in a certain way is not worthwile
Explain the PRUDENCE (Conservatism) concept
- PROFITS are not overstated and foreseeable LOSSES are allowed when preparing accounting statements
- FIXED ASSETS are not overstated in the balance sheet
- STOCK must be valued at lower of the cost or net realisable value
Explain the CONSITENCY concept
Keeping to the SAME method of recording transactions, except in special cases
Explain the MONEY MEASUREMENT concept
- Only information which can be recorded in terms of MONEY is recorded in accounting statements
Name the FACTORS influencing the business’ performance but which can not be measured in monetary terms (MONEY MEASUREMENT CONCEPT)
- Good or bad MANAGERS
- Serious problems in the WORKFORCE
- Changing of government LAWS
Explain the SUBSTANCE OVER FORM concept
- Real substance takes precedence over legal form
What is objectivity?
Using a standard method which is generally accepted by the business world
What is subjectivity
Using your own method which is not generally accepted
What are SSAPSs?
Statements of Standard Accounting Practice
What are FRs?
Financial Reporting standards