Concepts and definitions Flashcards
Learn all definitions and properities of concepts in Linear Algebra
f: x –> y is invertible if and only if
- for every y in Y there exists a unique x in X such that f(x) = y (this is bijection)
- Contains the zero vector
- closure under scalar multiplication
- closure under addition
Definition of invertible
for f: R^n to R^m the function g: R^m to r^n is the inverse of f if
1. f * g(x) = x
2. g * f(x) = x
How to check invertible?
ad-bc != 0
how to calculate invertible
1/ad-bc * [d -b] [-c a]
Transpose properties
- (AT)*T = A
- (A+B)T = AT+BT
- (rA)T = r* AT
- A(BT) = BT* AT
Surjective (onto)
for every y in Y there exists at least one x in X such that f(x) = y or the image
Injective (one to one)
for any y in Y there exists at most one x in X such that f(x) = y
for every y in Y there exists a unique x in X such that f(x) = y
set of all possible linear combinations of the vectors
Basis of subspace
the minimum set of vectors that spans the subspace
1. spans R^n
2. linearly independent
nullspace of A
set of vectors x in R^n (column vectors) such that A * set equals the zero vector
column space of A
- set of all linear combinations of column vectors in A
- subspace of R^m (dependent on pivot columns, less than or equal to codomain)
- pivot columns of A form basis
of column vectors in any basis of H
dimension of column space of A or number of pivot columns