Concepts Flashcards
What is “a capella”?
Unaccompanied vocal music e.g. a choir
What do you call unaccompanied vocal music?
A Capella
What is “A minor”?
A Minor is the relative minor of C Major.
• No key signature
• Contains a G sharp (look for the # in the music, not at the start)
What is the relative major of A Minor?
C Major
What is the relative minor of C Major?
A Minor
What is “adagio”?
Adagio is a leisurely tempo.
What do you call a leisurely tempo?
What is “allegro”?
Allegro is a fast tempo.
What do you call a fast tempo?
What is “alto”?
Alto is the lowest female singing voice.
What is the lowest female singing voice?
What is “andante”?
Andante is a walking pace tempo.
What do you call a walking pace tempo?
What is “arco”?
Arco is a string technique; a bow is used.
What do you call it when a bow is used? (string technique)
What is an “aria”?
An aria is a solo song sung in an opera.
• One singer
• Tells a story
• Usually accompanied
What do you call a solo song sung in opera?
An Aria
What is “Baroque”?
Baroque is a musical period between 1600 and 1750. Listen for;-
• Harpsichord
• Strings (cello)
• Recorder
What musical period is 1600 - 1750?
What is “bass”?
Bass is the lowest male singing voice.
What is the lowest male singing voice?
What is a “bothy ballad”?
A Bothy Ballad is a Scottish folk song with lots of verses. • Tells a story • Unaccompanied • Solo • In dialect • Sung by a man
Which Scottish music concept means a folk song with lots of verses that’s usually unaccompanied and sung by a man?
A Bothy Ballad
What is “C major”?
C Major is the relative major of A Minor.
• No key signature
What is “celtic rock”?
Celtic Rock is Traditional Folk Music mixed with Rock or Pop. Listen for;- • Electric guitars • Drum Kit • Bagpipes • Accordion
Which Scottish music concept means Traditional Folk Music mixed with Rock or Pop?
Celtic Rock
What is “chamber music”?
Chamber Music is music which has been written to be played in fancy houses by amateur musicians. The music is written for a small instrument ensemble, usually around 8 players.
What music is written to be played in fancy houses by a small ensemble of amateur musicians?
Chamber Music
What is a “choir”?
A Choir is a group of singers who perform together.
What do you call a group of singers who perform together?
A Choir
What is a “concerto”?
A Concerto is work for a solo instrument and an orchestra, usually in 3 movements.
What do you call a work for a solo instrument and an orchestra that’s usually in 3 movements?
A Concerto
What is “descant”?
Descant is a Soprano counter melody which accompanies & is sung above the main melody.
What do you call a soprano counter melody which accompanies & is sung above the main melody?
How do you identify an F Major?
F Major has a B Flat in the key sig.
What is a “flute”?
A Flute is a woodwind instrument made of metal.
How do you identify a G Major?
G Major has an F Sharp in the key sig.
What is a “gaelic psalm”?
A Gaelic Psalm is a hymn sung in Gaelic unaccompanied.
What do you call a hymn sung in Gaelic unaccompanied?
A Gaelic Psalm
What is “gospel”?
Gospel is a genre of music that features religious lyrics that are often in praise or thanksgiving to God.
Which genre of music features religious lyrics that are often in praise or thanksgiving to God?
What is a “jig”?
A Jig is a Scottish dance that is in 6 8 compound time. It can be identified by saying “jiggety-jiggety” along to the beat.
Which Scottish dance is in 6 8 compound time?
A Jig
What is “Latin American”?
Latin American is a genre of music where percussion instruments provide lively off-beat dance rhythms.
Which genre of music features percussion instruments that provide lively off-beat dance rhythms?
Latin American
What is “melismatic”?
Melismatic is when several notes are sung in one syllable.
What is the term for several notes sung in one syllable?
What is “minimalism”?
Minimalism is when simple rhythmic and melodic figures are constantly repeated with very slight additions/changes each time.
What is the term for when simple rhythmic and melodic figures are constantly repeated with very slight additions/changes each time?
What is “minor”?
Minor is a musical scale which usually sounds sad/dark. There are intervals of a semitone between the second and third degrees, the fifth and sixth, and the seventh and eighth.
What is the term for a musical scale which usually sounds sad/dark?
What is “moderato”?
Moderato is a medium tempo.
What is the term for a medium tempo?
What is “mouth music”?
Mouth Music is unaccompanied songs with Gaelic or nonsense words that are normally sung at ceilidh dances.
What is the term for unaccompanied songs with Gaelic or nonsense words that are normally sung at ceilidh dances?
Mouth Music
What is a “musical”?
A Musical is a musical play which has speaking, singing, and dancing, and is performed on stage?
What is the term for a play which has speaking, singing, dancing, and is performed on stage?
A Musical
What is an “opera”?
An Opera is a drama set to music with a soloist, acting, and an orchestral accompaniment.
What is the term for a drama set to music with a soloist, acting, and an orchestral accompaniment?
An Opera
What is “pizzicato”?
Pizzicato (abbreviation “pizz”) is a string technique where the strings are plucked with the fingers.
What is the string technique where the strings are plucked?
Pizzicato (abbreviation “pizz”)
What is “ragtime”?
Ragtime is a genre of music which is especially played on piano, with a syncopated melodic line and regularly accented accompaniment.
What is the genre of music which is especially played on piano, with a syncopated melodic line and regularly accented accompaniment?
What is “rallentando”?
Rallentando (abbreviation “rall”, “rit”) is a gradual decrease of tempo.
What is the term for a gradual decrease of tempo?
Rallentando (abbreviation “rall”, “rit”)
What is “rap”?
Rap is a genre of music where words are recited rapidly and rhythmically.
What is the genre of music where are words recited rapidly and rhythmically?
What is “rock”?
Rock is a genre of music which evolved from Rock N’ Roll and Pop. Rock tends to be harsher and more serious than Rock N’ Roll and Pop. Listen for;-
• Electric guitars
• Bass guitars
• Drum kit
Which genre of music evolved from Rock N’ Roll and Pop and tends to be harsher and more serious?
What is a “saxophone”?
A saxophone is a woodwind instrument made of metal. Saxophones are popular in Jazz music.
What is “scat singing”?
Scat Singing is improvised Jazz singing in which the voice is used in imitation of an instrument.
What is the term for improvised Jazz singing where the voice is used in imitation of an instrument?
Scat Singing
What is a “scots ballad”?
A Scots Ballad is a Scottish song which tells a story.
What is “soprano”?
Soprano is the highest female singing voice.
What is the highest female singing voice?
What is a “strathspey”?
A Strathspey is a Scottish dance with four beats in a bar, dotted rhythms, and usually features a Scotch Snap.
Which Scottish dance has 4 beats in a bar, dotted rhythms, and usually features a Scotch Snap?
A Strathspey
What is “strophic”?
Strophic is a song which has the same music repeated for verses/choruses, therefor the music will be heard repeating throughout the song.
What is the term for a song which has the same music repeated for verses/choruses?
What is “swing”?
Swing is a Jazz style performed by a big band. • Lots of instruments • Usually in 4 4 time • Major key • Based on arpeggios
What Jazz style is performed by a big band in Major key?
What is “syllabic”?
Syllabic is vocal music where each syllable is given one note only.
What is the term for vocal music where each syllable is given one note only?
What is a “symphony”?
A Symphony is an elaborate musical composition for a full orchestra that is usually in 4 movements (no soloists).
What is the term for an elaborate musical composition for a full orchestra that is in 4 movements with no soloists?
A Symphony
What is “tenor”?
Tenor is the highest male singing voice.
What is the highest male singing voice?
What is a “trumpet”?
A trumpet is the smallest and highest pitched instrument of the brass family.
Which instrument is the smallest and highest pitched instrument of the brass family?
The trumpet
What is “unison”?
Unison is when all the singers/musicians are singing/playing the same notes are the same time.
What is the term for when all singers/musicians are singing/playing the same notes at the same time?
What is a “waltz”?
A Waltz is a dance with three beats in a bar in simple time.
Which dance has three beats in a bar in simple time?
A Waltz
What is a “waulking song”?
A Waulking Song is a Scottish song sung in Gaelic by women, often lead by a soloist with question and answer. Cloth was often banged on a table as a beat.
What is the term for a Scottish song sung in Gaelic by women, often lead by a soloist with question and answer?
Waulking Song
What is AB form?
Music in two sections; A then B
What do you call music in two sections; A then B?
AB form
What is an “accidental”?
An accidental is a note with a sharp or flat added
What do you call a note with a sharp or a flat added?
An accidental
What is an “alberti bass”?
An alberti bass is broken chords that are played with the left hand, in the order of low - high - middle - high
What do you call broken chords played with the left hand, in the order of low - high - middle - high?
Alberti Bass
What is “atonal”
No key, lacks a “nice” melody and accompaniment
What do you call a piece of music with no key?
What is a “baritone”?
A baritone is a male singing voice that lies between the range of a bass and a tenor
What do you call the male singing voice that lies between the range of a bass and a tenor?
A baritone
What is “binary form”?
Binary is a form of music made up of two different sections - A then B
What form is a piece of music that is made up of two different sections - A then B?
What is a “bodhran”?
A bodhran is an Irish wooden drum, used in folk music
What do you call an irish drum?
A bodhran
What is “cadence”?
Cadence is the end of a musical phrase - it can be perfect and imperfect
What is a “chorus”?
A chorus is a group of singers with several people to each part
What do you call a group of singers with several people to each part?
A chorus
What is “chromatic”?
Notes which move by the interval of a semitone - all white and black keys
What do you call notes which move by the interval of a semitone - all white and black keys?
What is a “clarsach”?
A clarsach is a small Scottish harp used in folk music
What do you call a small Scottish harp used in folk music?
A clarsach
Between what years was the Classical period?
1750 and 1810
Which musical period was between 1750 and 1810?
What is a cluster?
A cluster is a group of notes which clash when played together
What do you call a group of notes which clash when played together?
A cluster
What is a “coda”?
A coda is a passage at the end of a piece of music which rounds it off effectively.
What do you call a passage at the end of a piece of music that rounds it off?
A coda.
What is “con sordino”?
Con Sordino is when a mute is used with a brass instrument.
What is the name of the technique when a brass instrument is played with a mute?
Con Sordino.
What is “contrapuntal”?
Contrapuntal is two or more parts that have an independent melody - similar to polyphonic.
What is the name for a piece of music that has two or more parts that have an independent melody?
What is “contrary motion”?
Contrary Motion is two parts that move in opposite directions - one part ascends as the other descends.
What is the name of the technique when two parts move in opposite directions?
Contrary Motion.
What is a “counter melody”?
A counter melody is a melody that is played against the main melody.
What is the name of the technique for a melody that is played against the main melody?
Counter Melody.
What is a “cross rhythm”?
A cross rhythm is two notes being played against three.
What is the name of the technique when two notes are being played against three?
Cross Rhythm.
What is an “episode”?
An episode is a passage of music linking two musical themes, such as in Rondo form.
What do you call a passage of music that links two musical themes?
An Episode.
What is “flutter tonguing”?
Flutter Tonguing is rolling your “r”s while playing a brass or woodwind instrument.
What is the name of the technique for when you roll your “r”s while playing a brass or woodwind instrument?
Flutter Tonguing.
What is “fortissimo”?
Fortissimo (ff) is very loud volume.
What do you call very loud in volume?
Fortissimo (ff).
What is a “glissando”?
Glissando is sliding from one note to another, taking in all notes in between where possible.
What do you call a slide from one note to another?
What is a “grace note”?
A grace note is a type of ornament played as a quick, crushed note before the main note of a melody - it appears as a smaller note when written in music.
What is the ornament that is played as a quick, crushed note before the main note of a melody?
A Grace Note.
What is a “ground bass”?
A Ground Bass is a theme in the bass which is repeated many times while the upper parts are varied.
What do you call a theme in a bass line which is repeated while the upper parts are varied?
Ground Bass.
What is “homophonic”?
Homophonic is when all parts play a similar rhythm at the same time.
What is the name of the technique for when all parts play a similar rhythm at the same time?
What is an “imperfect cadence”?
An Imperfect Cadence is the last chord that creates an unfinished effect.
What is the name for the last chord that creates an unfinished effect?
Imperfect Cadence.
What is an “inverted pedal”?
An Inverted Pedal is a note that is held on or repeated continuously at a high pitch.
What is the name for a note that is held on or repeated continuously at a high pitch?
Inverted Pedal.
What is a “mezzo soprano”?
A Mezzo Soprano is a female singer who’s vocal range lies between that of a soprano and an alto.
What is the name for a female singer who’s vocal range lies between that of a soprano and an alto?
A Mezzo Soprano.
What is “modulation”?
Modulation is a change of key.
What is the name for a change of key?
What is a “perfect cadence”?
A Perfect Cadence is a chord that creates a finished feel.
What is the name for a chord that creates a finished feel?
A Perfect Cadence.
What is “pianissimo”?
Pianissimo (pp) is very soft.
What is the name for very soft in volume?
Pianissimo (pp).
What is a “pibroch”?
A Pibroch is solo music for bagpipes.
What is the name for solo music for bagpipes?
A Pibroch.
What is a “pitch bend”?
A Pitch Bend is the changing of the pitch of a note, e.g. pushing a guitar string upwards.
What is the name for changing the pitch of a note?
A Pitch Bend.
What is “polyphonic”?
Polyphonic is two or more melodic lines that weave independently.
What is the name for two or more melodic lines that weave independently?
What is “reverb”?
Reverb gibes the impression of different hall acoustics/echo.
What is the name of the technique that gives the impression of different hall acoustics?
What is a “roll”?
A Roll is a very fast repetition of a note on a percussion instrument.
What is the name for a very fast repetition of a note on a percussion instrument?
A Roll.
What is “rondo”?
ABACA form.
What is the name for ABACA form?
What is “rubato”?
Rubato is music speeds up and slows down for expression - no strict tempo.
What is the name for when music speeds up and slows down for expression?
What is a “semitone”?
A Semitone is half a tone e.g. G to Ab
What is the name for half a tone?
A Semitone.
What is “sforzando”?
Sforzando is a note played with a forced sudden accent.
What is the name for a note played with a forced sudden accent?
What is a “tabla”?
A Tabla is an Indian Drum.
What is the name for an Indian drum?
What is a “tone”?
Tone is the distance between two notes e.g. G to A
What is the name for the distance between two notes?
A Tone.
What is a “trill”?
A Trill is moving quickly between two notes which are a step apart e.g. C and D
What is the name for moving quickly between two notes which are a step apart?
A Trill.
What is a “walking bass”?
A Walking Bass is a bass line that walks up and down a pattern of notes.
What is the name for a bass line that walks up and down a pattern of notes?
A Walking Bass.
What is a “whole tone scale”?
A Whole Tone Scale is a scale containing no semitones but entirely whole notes.
What is the name for a scale containing no semitones but entirely whole notes?
A Whole Tone Scale.