Concept Exam 1 Flashcards
Nation vs. State
Nation: A group of people with shared history, culture, and language inhabiting a territory
State: A self-governing legal and political entity/institution
The right to rule within a given territory
Treaty of Westphalia
1648: European leaders recognize each other’s right to rule in their territories
Butterfly Effect
A small change in one corner of the world can have an impact on other parts of the world, or on the system as a whole
OECD (Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development)
1961: Stimulates economic progress and world trade.
NGO (Non-Governmental Organizations)
Voluntary citizens’ organizations on a local, national, or international level (Not government, not businesses)
Transnational Civil Society
NGOs and global networks collaborating across borders to advance their goals (Not government, can include businesses)
Total War
A type of war in which parties mobilize all their populations and economies
Wold War I
1914-1918: Caused by Imperial / Colonial Competition
Allies: UK, France, Russia, US
Central Powers: Germany, Austria Hungary, Ottomans
World War II
Allies: France, UK, US, USSR, China
Axis: Germany, Italy, Japan
Allied Victory = Fall of Japanese and Italian Empire, League of Nations, US and USSR are world leaders.
Which US President Used Nuclear Weapons on Which Cities, and When?
1945: Truman bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Fourteen Points
Woodrow Wilson’s stated principles of (1.) Self-determination, (2.) Open Diplomacy, and (3.) Establishment of the league of nations
Paris Peace Conference
1919: At the end of WWI, ended with the Treaty of Versailles
Treaty of Versailles
1919: At the end of WWI, High war reparations for Germany
League of Nations
1920 (Started) - 1946 (Disbanded):
Established to maintain world peace as a result of the Paris Peace Conference that ended WWI. It was a collective security arrangement and the precursor to the United Nations
Great Depression
1929: Global economic collapse that followed US Wall Street stock market crash. 607% increase in unemployment in the US. 47% reduction in industrial production in the US.
Policy of making concessions to aggressive leaders, with the hopes that it will stop them from wanting more. Did not work on Hitler
Pearl Harbor
7 December, 1941: Japanese preventative attack on US Naval Base in Hawaii
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
Military alliance (collective defense pact) against USSR & allies, established in 1949
Warsaw Pact
Military Alliance (collective defense pact) against NATO members, established in 1955
Cuban Missile Crisis
1962: Crisis between US (Kennedy) and USSR (Khrushchev) over the Soviet deployed missiles in Cuba
International Society
A group of sovereign states that recognize a common set of rules and practices
The absence of a world government
A system regulated by a dominant leader